© Carrie Boyko Ready to Walk the Red Carpet |
Let's lay down the rules, lay out the prizes and then we'll get going. You guys will have through Monday, February 20 to offer up the best tidbits of Academy Awards pet trivia in a comment. Enter as often as you like, but keep these rules in mind:
- Each comment MUST BE pet-related trivia regarding the Academy Awards and/or the movies/movie industry. My judge's decisions are final on this contest, so keep to that simple rule so you're not wasting your time.
- Each and every entry must include your contact information via Twitter, email or blog url. No contact information= No prize. :(
You can help me make this contest even more fun by tweeting the contest. However, you cannot win unless you have posted at least one comment with Academy Award pet trivia here at the blog. Here's a sample tweet:
Love Academy Award #pet trivia? Join @AllThingsDog 4 fun & prizes in a pet trivia #contest around the theme of the movie world http://ow.ly/8XClN
What can you win?
© Carrie Boyko Replendish will Serve the Whole Fido Family |
© C. Boyko I Think I Can; I Think I Can... |
Terra Paws are so good that Oliver had to show off his yoga dog concentration and focus in this photo. He's got Terra Paws on his paw and had to wait permission to snack. Good boy, Oliver!
Winners will be announced Tuesday, February 21. Let your pursuit of trivia and treasures begin!

PS. For those of you who are really into the Academy Awards, I hear that The Tiniest Tiger will be in one of the secret rooms at the Academy Awards, tweeting and giving away a special hipster bag from his site. You can learn more by visiting here.

Kolchak Puggle said...
Cool! Sounds like a lot of fun :0)
cdmtx said...
sounds great ..but where is the pet trivia ?
cdm65@ coxdotnet
cdmtx said...
sounds great ..but where is the pet trivia ?
cdm65@ coxdotnet
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
You guys need to find Academy Awards pet trivia and leave them here as comments. That's how you enter. Good luck!
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
The dog that co-starred in the movie "As Good as it Gets", with Jack Nicholson, was a Brussels Griffon. Actually, 6 dogs played various scenes for this one part. The dog's name was Verdell in the movie.
Islandsnoopy said...
Rin Tin Tin's first starring role was in 1923′s Where The North Begins, playing alongside silent screen actress Claire Adams. This film was a huge success and has often been credited with saving Warner Brothers from bankruptcy.
His bloodline still continues today – a 107 year history. The current Rinty is Rin Tin Tin XI born on July 8, 2009.
Twitter: @islandsnoopy
Islandsnoopy said...
Did you know....
Pal (1940 – 1958) was a male Rough Collie and the first in a line of such dogs to portray the fictional female collie Lassie in film and television. In 1943, the dog was chosen to play Lassie in MGM’s feature film, Lassie Come Home.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... One of the most beloved dog films of all time premiered on June 16, 1955 in Chicago, Illinois. Lady and the Tramp would be re-released in the U.S. in 1962, 1980 and 1986. In early versions of the script, Tramp was called Homer, then Rags and then Bozo.
twitter handle @cstironkat
cstironkat said...
Did you know... In the movie Turner & Hooch, Hooch,s breed was a Dogue de Bordeau.
twitter handle @cstironkat
cstironkat said...
2/9 tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/167657991200448514
Niki Maas said...
Where the Red Fern Grows is a children's novel written by Wilson Rawls in 1961 about a boy who buys and trains two Redbone Coonhound hunting dogs.The novel was made into a popular 1974 film starring Stewart Petersen..
Niki Maas said...
Did you know that the movie The Shaggy dog was origanially aired in 1959 where the Son turns into a shaggy dog where as the 2006 version the Dad turns into a sheep dog..
Cynthia Downer said...
Cynthia Downer said...
For one of the 84th Academy Awards Best Picture nominees, War Horse, director Steven Spielberg took his iphone to the stables where his family's 12 horses live to practice how he would shoot them for the movie. His 15 year old daughter, Destry, is a competitive jumper.
Anonymous said...
In the movie Up from Disney:
The dogs check their communication similar to the Rebels on the start of the attack on the Death Star. Though instead of "Red Leader, standing by," it's "Gray leader, checking in," due to the fact that dogs are colorblind.
email ktheriot18@its.nicholls.edu
Kristen Theriot
Anonymous said...
Also from Up: Dug's 'point' pose, where his entire tail, back, and head is in a perfectly straight line, is an homage to the identical pose that Mickey's dog, Pluto, often makes. Dug also shares a similar colour scheme to Pluto
Kristen Theriot - ktheriot18@its.nicholls.edu
IslandSnoopy said...
Benji is the first film in a series of nine about the golden mixed breed dog named Benji. The film also received an Academy Award nomination for the Best Original Song for the theme song "I Feel Love".
Twitter: @islandsnoopy
Islandsnoopy said...
Remember the Disney classic, Old Yeller? [I love that movie!] The movie was released in 1957 and the dog that played Old Yeller was named Spike.
Twitter: @islandsnoopy
IslandSnoopy said...
Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) starred Richard Gere and was based on a true story about an Akita named Hachiko the loyal pet of Dr. Eisaburo Ueno, a Tokyo University professor.
If you haven't seen this movie, have Kleenex ready.
Twitter: @islandsnoopy
IslandSnoopy said...
In the The Wizard of Oz, Toto was played by a female brindle Cairn Terrier whose real name was Terry. Due to the movie's popularity and since that was her most famous role, her owner officially changed her name to Toto.
Twitter: @islandsnoopy
Amy Orvin said...
Rin Tin Tin was the first American dog movie star and signed his own contracts for 22 movies with a pawprint.
Twitter handle: @amyorvin
Amy Orvin said...
Twitter handle: @amyorvin
Lori Miller said...
Moose, the dog who plays Skip, in the movie "My Dog Skip", is best known for playing Eddie in the sitcom "Frasier".
Lori Miller said...
Julie Bjerga said...
Julie Bjerga said...
Terry, a female Black Cairn Terrier, is best know for her role opposite Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz. Under the guidance of her owner, Carl Spitz, Terry acted across from Shirley Temple in the movie Bright Eyes.
In all Terry went on to act in 14 movies. The Wizard of Oz was Terry’s 3rd film. It was also the one that increased her star power. She made $125 a week for her performance, a larger sum than many of the human actors on the film. Indicative of her significance to the film is her attendance at the grand opening at Grauman’s Chinese Theater.
Julie Bjerga said...
I tweeted! ;)
nzrd said...
In the 2008 movie, Marley & Me, 22 different dogs played Marley.
Mary Jensen
nzrd said...
In the 1995 Disney movie, A Goofy Movie, we find out that Goofy lives in Columbus, Ohio :)
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
nzrd said...
In the 2001 movie, Cats & Dogs, the beagle who played Lou also played in Startrek Enterprise.
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
nzrd said...
Also in Cats & Dogs, the night time scenes were mostly shot in the day, because the dogs tend to sleep at night.
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
nzrd said...
Also in Cats & Dogs, to get the dogs to lick themselves on command, peanut butter was applied to their private areas.
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
nzrd said...
Bolt from the Disney movie Bolt is an American White Shepherd.
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
nzrd said...
The number on Bolt's tag is the address of Disney's feature animation building.
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
nzrd said...
In order to properly Rhino, the hamster from Bolt, the crew decided to adopt an actual hamster.
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
Danielle said...
Audrey Hepburn named her "no-name cat" "Cat" in "Breakfast at Tiffany's", winner of the best song ("Moon River") of 1961
nzrd said...
According to George Lopez, the Chihuahua he voices in the Beverly Hills Chihuahua was one day away from being put down until the crew rescued him.
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/168051676660498432
nzrd said...
About 70 dogs were used in Hotel For Dogs.
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
nzrd said...
Scrappy Doo's middle name is Cornelius.
Mary Jensen
thnzrd at gmail dot com
Danielle said...
"Tweetie Pie," about a cat and dog chase, was awarded a 1947 Oscar for best cartoon short
Danielle said...
The dog who was Rin tin tin was found as a puppyin 1918 huddled with his mother and four siblings in an abandoned German trench in France
Danielle said...
Rin Tin Tin was 13 when his last film was made in 1931
cstironkat said...
Did you know... The American Bulldog is not even recognized by the AKC yet, has become increasingly popular in recent movies, having been a star or major character in such recent movies as Homeward Bound, Homeward Bound II, The Little Rascals, Return to Me, and Disney's The Pooch and the Pauper.
cstironkat said...
Did you know.... The movie It's a Dog's Life, made in 1955, was based on the dog story The Bar Sinister.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... In the spoof movie Mars Attacks, the aliens capture a dog. In their 'experiments' they put the head of the dog on the body of a person and a person's head on the dog's body. The breed of dog was a Chihuahua.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... In The Thin Man movies, there is a dog named Asta is a Wire Fox Terrier.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... The movie Zeus and Roxanne is a movie about a dog and a dolphin who become close friends. The dog, Zeus, is a rare breed known as a Portuguese Podengo.
cdmtx said...
"Benji" is the only canine actor to ever have his name placed in contention for an acting Academy Award.
cdmtx said...
All the dogs portraying "Lassie" (female) have been male.
cdmtx said...
cdmtx said...
All the "Lassies" have had a dog companion or companions to keep them company. At one time Lassie's buddies were two miniature poodles named Buttons and Bows. The most recent Lassie had a Jack Russell pal named Mel.
cdmtx said...
in the movie " Cujo" Five St. Bernards were used, one mechanical head, and a guy in a dog costume !
To make the St. Bernards attack the car, animal trainers put the dog's favorite toys inside the car so the dogs would try to get them.
cdmtx said...
oppss it was so late yesterday i totally forgot my info :(
cdm65atcox . net
cdmtx said...
cdmtx said...
in the Movie Cats & Dogs ...
Prada, the Beagle who played Lou, also played Porthos in Star Trek: Enterprise.
cdm65atcoxdot net
cdmtx said...
The Dogue de Bordeaux (Hooch) --- in the movie Turner & Hooch
(also known as the French Mastiff) is a big, muscular dog which boasts the largest skull size in the canine world!
cdm65atcoxdot net
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/168359011517865984
cstironkat said...
Did you know... The Basset Hound made famous in the Hush Puppies shoe ads was named Biggles.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Toto’s role in The Wizard of Oz was played by a female Cairn Terrier named Terry
cstironkat said...
Did you know... In the original 101 Dalmations movie, Pongo has 72 spots and Perdita has 68 while the puppies had 32 each.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Fang plays the role of the loveable giant Hagrids pet dog. Fang is described in the film as a Boarhound, but in actual fact was played by 4 different Neapolitan Mastiffs.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... ON the tv show Dharma and Greg, Nunzio is Stinky's dog, a Welsh Corgi, a gift from Dharma on Stinky's Bar Mitzvah. Nunzio was played by many different Corgi's throughout the show. Bud 1997–1998, Butch 1998–1999, Twiggy 2000–2001.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... On the TV show... Blue Peter, Shep was a one of the most memorable Blue Peter dogs. Remembered by TV viewers as inseparable from John Noakes who would say "Get Down Shep!!" Like all Blue Peter pets, Shep was owned by the BBC, but when John left the programme in June 1978 the BBC realised the pair were inseparable and let him keep the Border Collie.
Trish B. said...
The orange tabby cat's name that was in the 1979 Academy Award winning movie, Alien, with Sigorney Weaver's name was Jones.
forksknives at hotmail dot com
cdmtx said...
cdmtx said...
in the TV show Frasier - Eddie, the Jack Russell Terrier made at his peak, $10,000 an episode <-- must be nice being dog :) LOL
cdmtx said...
in the television show Mad About You --- Murray is played by Maui. He is a Collie-mix found by trainer Boone Narr at the Castaic Animal Shelter and he lasted the entire run of the show ( 7 years)!
Anonymous said...
What was Walt Disney's family dog named and what kind of dog was she?
Lady and she was a poddle.
Sharon Gilbert - sjgilbert@aol.com
Anonymous said...
What was the name of the dog in Air Buds..He Sits, He Stas, He Shoots, He Scores? Buddy the Golden Retriever Buddy was privileged to share the screen with: Michael Jeter and Patrick Cranshaw.
Sharon Gilbert - sjgilbert@aol.com
Anonymous said...
I tweeted
cstironkat said...
Did you know... In 1905, Blair was the first canine movie star and was featured in "Rescued by Rover".
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Goofy first appeared over seven decades ago in Mickey's Revue (1932).
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Onion is a miniature bull terrier who was in the Ewan McGregor movie called 'Scenes of a Sexual Nature.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... The only dog to ever appear in a play by William Shakespearean was Crab who appeared in "The Two Gentlemen of Verona."
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Flush was the name of the dog owned by the English poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning immortalised in the movie the ' Barretts of Wimpole Street ' starring Charles Laughton who played her strict father.
cstironkat said...
2/11 tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/168798731674718209
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/168792326519537664
cstironkat said...
Did you know... The top grossing film of all time is "Marley and Me" (2008) $142,992,475 featuring a dog.
cstironkat said...
Did you know the in the movie The Sandlot (1993): Featured a ball-eating St. Bernard named "Hercules."
cstironkat said...
2/13 tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/169154030038290434
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Stretch played Jed's bloodhound Duke in The Beverly Hillbillies TV show.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Fred Astaire starred in three movies where he had a pack of dogs, all of the same breed. These movies were: 'The Doberman Gang,' 'The Amazing Dobermans' and 'Daring Dobermans.'
Danielle said...
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/169135410767855616
Islandsnoopy said...
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey is a 1993 American remake of the 1963 film The Incredible Journey. The film features two dogs and a cat. Chance is the narrator of the movie and is an American Bulldog(voiced by Michael J. Fox), Shadow, a golden retriever (voiced by Don Ameche) and Sassy, a Himalayan cat (voiced by Sally Fields.)
Twitter: @islandsnoopy
Anonymous said...
Buddy, a Golden Retriever, who played Comet on the TV show Full House
Sharon Gilbert - sjgilbert@aol.com
Anonymous said...
I tweeted
cdmtx said...
cdm65 atcox.net
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/169517445755842560
cstironkat said...
In the film Men in Black 2, Frank has the appearance of a normal pug dog, but he is actually an extraterrestrial in disguise. Frank was played in both movies by a very well trained pug named "Mushu".
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Nana was the Newfoundland dog belonging to the Darling Family in Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Flash was the Basset Hound from The Dukes of Hazzard TV series.
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/169822367525240832
cdmtx said...
cdm65at cox. net
cdmtx said...
in the Movie "Red Dog" ( based on a real Story ) The real Red Dog didn't die next to John's grave, but was actually put to sleep by the vet and buried in an unmarked grave.
cdm65 at cox.net
cdmtx said...
in Harry Potter --- Fang plays the role of the loveable giant Hagrids pet dog. Fang is described in the film as a Boarhound, but in actual fact was played by 4 different Neapolitan Mastiffs.
cdm65@ coxdot net
cdmtx said...
the cats Mrs. Norris and Professor McGonagall in " Harry Potter " received royal treatment while the movie was filmed.
Many of the scenes take place in a real castle, which was quite drafty and cold. For the cats' comfort, they were provided heated floors to keep their paws and their bodies warm.
cdm65@ cox . net
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/170225786014543872
nzrd said...
The film, Babe, had 56 animal trainers on set to handle around 1000 animals.
thnzrd at gmail dot com
nzrd said...
In the live-action version of 101 Dalmations, 230 Dalmation puppies and 20 adult Dalmations were used during filming.
thnzrd at gmail dot com
nzrd said...
Also in 101 Dalmations, in order to get the dogs to lick the humans' faces, steak sauce was daubed on the actors' faces.
thnzrd at gmail dot com
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Cinderella (Disney animated version), Johnny and Clyde, Runaway Bride, Lady and the Tramp, Three on the Run, and The Aristocats all have a bloodhound in them.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Wellard, the Tervueren Belgian Shepherd Dog on the TV show Eastenders arrived on the show back in 1994, played by a dog named Kyte. Robbie Jackson rescued Wellard from someone who wasn't treating him well.
cstironkat said...
2/17 tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/170353964674584576
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/170542744954093568
cstironkat said...
2/17 tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/170624449232633856
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Scooby is a Great Dane.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... The star of the Cesar dog food commercials is a West Highland White Terrier
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/170925668467605504
cstironkat said...
2/18 tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/171001343132184576
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Barbara Bush's book about her English Springer Spaniel, Millie's book, was on the bestseller list for 29 weeks. Millie was the most popular "First Dog" in history.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Lassie, the TV collie, first appeared in a 1930s short novel titled Lassie Come-Home written by Eric Mowbray Knight. The dog in the novel was based on Knight's real life collie, Toots.
cstironkat said...
Did you know.. The first dog to star in an American movie was Jean the Vitagraph Dog, a Border Collie mix, who made his first film in 1910.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... was a super-canine who talked in rhymes, and was the alter-identity of Shoeshine Boy.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... The ring around Petey's
(The Little Rascals)eye was actually drawn on, which is why it changed from one side to the next between seasons of the TV show.
cdmtx said...
cdm65@cox dot net
cdmtx said...
in the movie - The Cat from Outer Space (1978)-
Jake the cat was actually played by two different Abyssinian cats: Rumple and his sister, Amber.
cdm65atcox .net
cdmtx said...
My Dog Skip (2000)
Moose, the dog who plays Skip, is best known for playing Eddie in the sitcom Frasier.
cdm65@cox dot net
cdmtx said...
in My Dog Skip (2000) Six different Jack Russell terriers, played Skip.
cdm65atcox .net
cdmtx said...
on the old tv-show -Petticoat Junction- The dog on the show was simply named "Dog" but his last acting role was as the title character in the movie Benji!
cdm65 @cox dotnet
cstironkat said...
2/19 tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/171340354858139649
cstironkat said...
Did you know... first released in 1940 The Biscuit Eater was re-released as a remake in 1972 by Walt Disney. The story revolves around a German Wirehaired Pointer named Moreover.
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/171337817589428224
Danielle said...
Baretta's pet cockatoo was named Fred
Danielle said...
Captain Archer' had a Beagle named Porthos on "Star Trek - Enterprise"
Danielle said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/drellis500/status/171636449257603072
cdmtx said...
cdmtx said...
An orange and black tabby, named Orangey made his cinematic debut in 1952 in the title role of “Rhubarb,” and won the Patsy Award in 1952 and again in 1962. Orangey also appeared in Gigot and Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and the television series, “Our Miss Brooks.”
cdm65 @cox . net
cdmtx said...
A gray cat who lived in Hollywood, was a true motion picture “old timer” having worked with such classic silent movie greats as Charlie Chaplin, fatty Arbuckle and the Keystone Kops.
cdm65 @coxdotnet
cdmtx said...
32 Dogs were used to portray "Eight Below" Movie's eight canine characters
cdm65 @cox dot net
cdmtx said...
in the movie Eight Below (2006) -- The Dogs "Dewey" & "Truman" are named for the 1948 U.S. Presidential candidates Thomas E. Dewey and Harry S. Truman.
cdm65 @cox . net
cdmtx said...
the movie Eight Below (2006) is based on a true story but In real life, 15 sled dogs were abandoned, and only 2 survived.
cdm65@cox dot net
cdmtx said...
in the Movie Air Bud -
The dog was played by a golden retriever named Buddy who was originally a pet trick dog in the David Letterman Show.
cdm65@cox . net
cdmtx said...
in the Movie Air Bud - Buddy won an Oscar award for his performance.
cdm65@cox dotnet
cdmtx said...
"Old Yeller" (Spike) was actually a rescue dog before entering the film industry. He was a mix of a Labrador Retriever and a Mastiff.
cdmtx said...
Buck was the funny Briard Sheepdog who starred in the series “Married with Children.” He his real name is Mike and he starred in the series for 9 years!
He was so well loved by the set that on his last episode a message dedicated to him appeared on the screen from the producers.
cdm65@cox dot net
cstironkat said...
Did you know that Cosmo the Jack Russell terrier as Arthur in 'Beginners' was a rescue dog and he has also stared in “Paul Blart: Mall Cop,” and “Hotel for Dogs."
cstironkat said...
Did you know that Blackie a Doberman pinscher played Maximilian in 'Hugo'
cstironkat said...
Did you know Scooby (pit bull) play in the movie “No Country for Old Men”
cstironkat said...
Did you know.. Tori(Cavalier King Charles spaniel) played Dash in the movie “The Young Victoria” (2009.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... Jill the Dog played Verdell (Brussels Griffon) in the movie “As Good As It Gets” (1997).
cstironkat said...
daily tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/171760159692034050
cstironkat said...
Did you know in the movie “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991), Precious was played by Darla a Bichon Frise.
cstironkat said...
Did you know... In the movie “Rocky” (1976) Butkus Stallone was played by Butkus Balboa a Bullmastiff.
Heidi N said...
Did you know Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey 1993 The Himalayan cat Sassy, the golden retriever Shadow, and the American bulldog Chance...Played by (in order) Tiki Rattler and Ben (dog) Also Wishbone, yet another Jack Russel Terrier
Wishbone could talk in the old-school way that Milo and Otis and the Homeward Bound dogs could talk: a voiceover was simply added over the dog just kinda standing there. No fancy CG moving mouths here!! I love these movies!
Heidi N
Trinitystarr69 @ yahoo. Com
Heidi N said...
https://twitter.com/#!/trinitystarr69 Heidi N @trinitystarr69 Reply Delete Favorite · Open
Love Academy Award #pet trivia? Join @AllThingsDog 4 fun & prizes
cdmtx said...
TrishMcI said...
Petey, was also an American Bulldog, and such a character dog was also featured long before the TV series, Little Rascals, in short films in movie theaters, know as Our Gang Comedies. The selection for the kids' dog was a no-brainer back then as Bullie Breeds, including the type (no-such breed) known as the Pitbull today, was a real family favorite as a family pet due to their lovable personality, their loyalty, and their wonderful disposition with children. Speaking of the latter, in Victorian England, Bullie Dogs were favored to keep watchful care over children in their nurseries...
TrishMcI said...
Did you know that the Hooch dog, in Turner & Hootch, a Dogue De Bordeaux, came from a kennel located in Anza, California in Riverside County's Inland Empire, where I lived back then...
TrishMcI said...
Nana, the dog from Peter Pan, is a relative of the Newfoundland breed, which are entirely balck in fur, who is also related to the Great White Pyranees (yes, all white coat), but was actually the third in relative lines called a St. Bernard... All of these breeds are large of skull, large of frame, thick of fur including their plummed tails, a slight flop to their ears, broad of face & are all originally from cold mountain climates; their distant relatives, but a bit smaller of frame, is the Swiss Mountian Dog which is tri-colored of mainly black color with markings of rust & white, especially distinctive around the face...
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