© Carrie Boyko The Banana Cake is Gone Time for a Giveaway! |
If you'd like all the nitty gritty details, here are the three previous posts in this series:
- Safe Made Pet Products: Safety Tested for the Whole Family
- Our Dog Toy Testing Twosome Takes on SafeMade Pet
- SafeMade Pets Flexi-bowl: A Versatile Pet Bowl and Bakery Pan
© Carrie Boyko Oliver Worked and Worked... |
© Carrie Boyko Guilty Pleasure...Tanner Finally Gets His Chance |
Your Questions:
What will you use your Flexi-bowl for--water, food, baking?
What sized dog is your furry friend--small, medium or large?
Here's how to enter:
- You may enter the giveaway once daily per method, but you must use a different Tweet, comment, photo, etc. each time.
- As of this week, winners will be selected from comments here on the blog that include a method of contact (URL, email, Twitter handle, etc). All Tweets and emails must be followed up with a comment here to be entered in the drawing. Random.org will be used to select the winners.
- For 3 entries, drop me an email at AllThingsDogBlog@gmail.com with a photo of your pup and a sign that says "We Love SafeMade Pet Toys". You can print the picture above and write the note on the photo for an extra entry. WOW! Your photo may even be featured on our Facebook page, SafeMade Pet Products Facebook page, or the blog.
- Leave a comment here saying "I Like All Things Dog Blog and SafeMade Pet on Facebook" for another entry.
- Subscribing to our blog by email using the dog house subscription box at left is a great way to keep up with our posts, giveaways, Ask the Vet and Trainer columns and more. Leave me a comment for one entry, saying "I subscribe to All Things Dog Blog."
- Tweet "I love @SafeMade" and leave me a comment that you've Tweeted
- Tweet "Thx @AllThingsDog 4 connecting us up 2 the reader discount code 4 @SafeMade" toys!" Don't forget to leave me a comment that you've tweeted.
- And of course, hit that Tweet/Retweet button at the top of the post, and then leave me a comment telling me you Tweeted/Retweeted this post. Leave your Twitter handle for verification and we'll be thrilled to give you another entry.
- COMMENTS are the primo form of entry--super simple since you're already here. Visit the bottom of the post to find the COMMENTS link and click.
- Don't forget to answer the important questions above and include a method of contact!
- Entries will close at 5 PM sharp on Thursday, June 30th. I'll report the winners on Friday, July 1st just in time for you to enjoy a fun-filled holiday weekend of pup play.
© Carrie Boyko Yoga Dog Oliver Loving His Biggie Bone |
If you're too impatient to await the results, feel free to head on out to SafeMade Pet and use their discount code that's just for All Things Dog Blog readers. You'll get 10% off your entire order and orders over $50 will earn free shipping as well. The discount code is U3HZ94YRG24.
Our giveaway is available to all North American addresses, void where prohibited, and available to all ages 18 and over. You may find this article linked up at other places on the Internet where giveaways are fun for everyone:

Full disclosure: All Things Dog Blog has not been compensated to write this review of SafeMade Pet Products. We were provided with product samples to review. The opinions included in this review series are our own. SafeMade Pet will be handling the shipment of these prizes.

cstironkat said...
I would bake some goodies for my friends in St. Louis Samoyed Rescue who are having a fundraiser. I would need the large size since I have big dogs.
twitter handle @cstironkat
cstironkat said...
I Like All Things Dog Blog and SafeMade Pet on Facebook as Kelly Ann T.
twitter handle @cstironkat
cstironkat said...
"I subscribe to All Things Dog Blog."
twitter handle @cstironkat.
cstironkat said...
6/23 I tweeted "I love @SafeMade" http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/84053923542999041
Katie said...
What will you use your Flexi-bowl for--water, food, baking? I would bake my dog special treats, her birthday is coming up so she would definately get a birthday cake baked in it, she could use it fr water too, she could eat out of it if she wanted,
Is it allowed to go in the freezer? If so I would make her some pupcicles in it because I ran over a few recipes the other day and I bet she would love paw shaped frozen and baked treats!
What sized dog is your furry friend--small, medium or large? My beagle jack russel Mix I think would be considered medium she is between 25 and 30 lbs, I think the medium biggie bone would work for her
cstironkat said...
6/23 tweet "Thx @AllThingsDog 4 connecting us up 2 the reader discount code 4 @SafeMade" toys! http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/84054726634766336
Katie said...
"I Like All Things Dog Blog and SafeMade Pet on Facebook"
cstironkat said...
6/23 I retweeted this post http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/84055485417914368
Gloria Walshver said...
My Rocky would love this prize.
Katie said...
I subscribe to All Things Dog Blog
Katie said...
I tweeted "I love @SafeMade http://twitter.com/#!/katiemitchell1/status/84058719486357505
Katie said...
I tweeted: Thx @AllThingsDog 4 connecting us up 2 the reader discount code 4 @SafeMade" toys!
Katie said...
I retweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/katiemitchell1/status/84060092944744448
cstironkat said...
I would use this bowl for baking and then for water. I could bake some goodies for my dog rescue group both for humans and dogs.
I need the large size since both my dogs weigh about 80 lbs.
@cstironkat on twitter
cstironkat said...
6/24 Tweet "I love @SafeMade" http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/84384878778519553
cstironkat said...
6/24 tweet "Thx @AllThingsDog 4 connecting us up 2 the reader discount code 4 @SafeMade" toys!" http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/84385506955239424
cstironkat said...
6/24 daily retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/84386495384924160
@cstironkat on twitter
colleen said...
I would use the bowl for water, we travel alot and it's perfect!!!
colleen said...
I have a long hair chihuahua named Bullet :)
colleen said...
"I Like All Things Dog Blog and SafeMade Pet on Facebook
colleen said...
I subscribe to all thigs dog blog
Chris said...
Thanks for offering such a great giveaway Carrie!
Looking at the Safe Made Pet Products site, I see that the Flexi-bowl has a cute paw print at the bottom, so we would use the bowl for baking!
Our doggies are medium size, and I know they'd love to try out a Biggie Bone if we win :)
cstironkat said...
I would use this bowl for nut or chips when I entertain my dog group.
I would need the large size
cstironkat said...
6/25 Today's SafeMade tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/84757862756253696
cstironkat said...
6/25 tweet "Thx @AllThingsDog 4 connecting us up 2 the reader discount code 4 @SafeMade" toys. http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/84758607413002240
cstironkat said...
6/25 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/84759237573607424
Chris said...
I follow with Google :)
KelLani (at) shaw (dot) ca
cstironkat said...
I could also use this bowl to keep my desk organized. It would go great with the dog paw prints I have on my wall.
cstironkat said...
6/26 Safemade tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/85103295194083328
cstironkat said...
6/26 Thank you tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/85104695034658817
cstironkat said...
6/26 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/85105088326152192
Chris said...
I love that the flexi bowl is dishwasher safe...perfect for cleaning up after baking something nummy in it!
cstironkat said...
This bowl would be perfect to hold the rest of the raffle items for a fundraiser for a local rescue group.
cstironkat said...
6/27 "I love @SafeMade" tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/85488522143875072
cstironkat said...
6/27 "Thx @AllThingsDog tweet
cstironkat said...
6/27 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/85489686281330690
Richa said...
wow.. lots of comments for this giveaway!
Chewie want some too.. twitter handle betit19
-Chewie and Richa
Chris said...
So great that the Biggie Bone is safe to freeze...perfect now that summer is here!
Anonymous said...
I'd use it for baking. My dog is large.
gingeroo616 at aol dot com
Anonymous said...
I like All Things Dog blog and Safemade Pets on facebook
gingeroo616 at aol dot com
Anonymous said...
I would use the bowl for water as were going to be traveling this summer! My 2 girls are 60 pounds each so we'd need the large bone if we won!
Crystal W
cstironkat said...
6/28 "I love @SafeMade" tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/85865839680688130
cstironkat said...
6/28 tweet "Thx @AllThingsDog blog tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/85868148225613824
cstironkat said...
6/28 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/85868974788722688
cstironkat said...
I need the large size bowl and Kouga and Milele would like me to make them your cake recipe in it.
@cstironkat on twitter.
madpay said...
A Great Pyrenees awaits the prize
Chris said...
Today I'd fill the Flexi bowl with chocolate ice cream, grab a biggie bone from the freezer with some frozen yogurt inside for one of our medium sized Shelties, and head outside! :)
cstironkat said...
I could use this bowl to make a wonderful dessert for our rescue group meeting.
@cstironkat and I would need the large size!
cstironkat said...
6/29 tweet for Safemade http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/86214454697668608
cstironkat said...
6/29 Thx @AllThingsDog 4 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/86214936732250112
cstironkat said...
6/29 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/86215523041415169
Chris said...
With one of our pack's 1st birthday coming up, the Flexi bowl would be perfect for baking a cake!
(and a certain bone would make a nice present for the medium sized birthday boy too)
He shares, so our other doggies wouldn't mind ;)
cstironkat said...
I could find all kinds a great uses for this bowl, from water and baking to food and as a great snack holder.
cstironkat said...
6/30 tweet "I love @SafeMade" http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/86531487222087680
cstironkat said...
6/30 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/86532247024439296
cstironkat said...
6/30 Thx @AllThingsDog tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/86532830003347457
Katie said...
e-maied you a picture of Roxy with a sign that says we love safemade pet toys
Katie said...
e-maied you a picture of Roxy with a sign that says we love safemade pet toys
Katie said...
e-maied you a picture of Roxy with a sign that says we love safemade pet toys
Katie said...
If Roxy wins she will have me bake her a birthday cake and she will need the medium toy
winnipeg butcher said...
My dog loves to play with socks. Sometimes it's annoying though because all my socks are eaten up by her. I Would love to win this and give her the dog toys of her dreams.
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