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Friday, September 27, 2013

Dogs Win Scents of Security

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Great Snuggle Time with Scents of Security
Tanner has certainly enjoyed doing this review, and even more so now that he knows he'll be able to keep the sample. He has been sleeping with it, so I guess that rather makes for a done deal. We can't hand off his slobber to our winners, even though he may think that's a compliment to them--allowing them to have his special new lovey.

Today is a very special day in another way as well. If you'll notice up there in the lower right hand corner of the photo, I've got a watermark with my blog's url. That's my copyright to this photo.This is something I'll be working to add on my new photos, while slowly replacing older photos with it as well. So far so good thanks to my friend Sam who has patiently helped me get this ball on the road. Thank you Sam!

Today's winners will receive their Scents of Security toy from me soon after I get their address. Our winners are Cynthia ( and Emily E. Email your address to me at and I'll get on it next week. We hope your dog enjoys this toy as much as Tanner does his.

For those of you who were not winners today, I recommend you try the following methods for locating this toy:

And finally, if winning fun things for your dog is high on your list, join us for #Coupaween on Tuesday, October 1 at 8 PM ET for this Twitter Party that will be dishing Halloween safety tips, $25 Coupaw credits to 17 winners and a Grand Prize that will include a custom pet portrait. Don't forget to RSVP here. You really don't want to miss this one!

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The Petlinks PR rep asked me to review their Scents of Security toy. I have not been compensated and the content of my review and giveaway are completely my own.


Cynthia said...

Tweek's toy arrived today & we both thank you so very much! All 3 dogs are enjoying it! It's so cute & cuddly it's difficult to tell which dog is enjoying it the most though I'm thnking it might be Hershey (go figure) Thank you again!

Cynthia & Tweek

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