Using the guide above is a bit more challenging if you have a very fluffy dog. You'll need to use your hands, feeling for that waist in the middle and the hint of a ribcage.
If needed, putting Fido on a calorie-reducing plan does not have to be torture. You just have to think outside the dog food bag. Try a few of our tips on for size, and enjoy the infographics, compliments of Natural Balance.
- Before adding any new activities to your overweight pet's lifestyle, be sure to get him checked over thoroughly by your veterinary professional.
- Feed your dog using a treat ball. Most kibble fits well in any treat ball, and this activity not only will slow down eating, but also turn it into a game that burns calories--walking!
- When heading out for your daily walks, try something new. Jog for 10-20 seconds intermittently, making sure that neither you nor Fido overdo.
- Your younger dog may enjoy biking with you if he's doing well walking on one side of you. You'll find some great tips and products to help at these links.
- Stuck indoors on a stormy day? Use a laser light to get your dog running up and down the hallway. This is great fun for your pup and you'll get a good laugh as well.
- Is agility in your dog's future? This sport will get both you and Fido into better shape, and have a terrific effect on your bonding. No need to compete; just enjoy the classes.
- Swimming is one of Summer's greatest pleasures for many dogs. The ideal exercise, it protects joints and burns calories, while providing hours of fun. I've linked to some tips for helping your pup adjust to swimming if he's not already a water lover.
- Want to go tech with your walks? Try this iPhone app that's free: Petometer.
- How about the canine fave, FETCH! Learning to play fetch is a sequence of skills that makes your dog think and work, while burning calories and bonding with you all in one easy, daily practice session. Enjoy it for your benefit and your dog's.

SlimDoggy said...
Great post for our FitDog Friday Blog Hop - you should join up. These charts are so helpful for people...they can't ignore the roundness when they see them.
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