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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pet 'n Shape Giveaway

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Tanner Takes Charge

© Carrie Boyko
Oliver Good Boy
Tanner and Oliver love their jobs! After all, what's not to love about posing with yummy treats. Today they had the distinct pleasure of tempting their palates with Pet 'n Shape, a new dehydrated chicken liver treat that offers several flavors in fruit and vegetable choices.

We wrote our review yesterday, but saved our photos to share in this giveaway. The boys declare this a great snack, and I concur. It's high in protein and full of real fruits and veggies. Our Rabbit, Robby, would have been proud of Tanner and Oliver for eating their veggies. Be sure to stop in and read the review so you know what you're entering to win.

© Carrie Boyko
Now, Please?
Today's giveaway is a generous 8 bags of Pet 'n Shape that your Fido is sure to love. You may want to drop by their Facebook page to say thank you, or possibly drop a Tweet to them. Knowing their giveaways are appreciated is very important to companies who are marketing their new products to the public. Thanks in advance for your help.

Use the Rafflecopter entry form below. If it does not appear immediately, simply click on the title above to refresh and it will appear just beneath my name. This giveaway will run 2 weeks with entries through Thursday, February 2 and winners will be announced Friday afternoon, February 3. Good luck!

Full disclosure:  The treats in these images were provided as a review sample by the PR firm representing Pet 'nShape treats. I was not paid to write about or review them, and the comments included here are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Shelley P said...

I'm lucky that Kody loves healthy snacks like fruits and veggies. I think I'd pick the veggies Pet 'n Shape treats for him.

Cynthia Downer said...

I think they will like the veggies better.

Ashley Clark said...

I think they would like either but they eat a lot of fruit now so I'm gonna go with veggies

Lori Miller said...

The Jacks would probably love any variety, but the pumpkin and apple sounds like something made for them!

rj7777 said...

Either one would be fine. I am not sure they have never had them before. Rita Spratlen

Rick said...


Nancy said...

Definitely fruit.

Misty said...

The girls are fruit-a-holics.

Anonymous said...

Skipper would love either one...he loves fruits and vegetables....Schooner we are trying very hard to get him to like fruits and vegetable.

Sharon Gilbert -

colleen r said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity :

Anna Galanos said...


cstironkat said...

Both of my dogs love fruit.

Parenting Patch said...

My dog loves both but probably fruits a little more.

Jayna said...

Hmmm... I think Miles would love them both, if he paused long enough to taste them. Jenny would probably like the veggies better. She doesn't get as excited over fruit.

Amy Orvin said...

I think my guys will like both.

Nina said...

Both but I would choose fruits.

Connie Black said...

she would probably enjoy the veggie....she eats carrots is one of her favorite things.

Mary Witter said...

Casey R. Doodle would love both, too, but he'd love to try the fruit treats.

June L said...

I don't know. I think she would take both but would probably go with Veggie.

Helen said...

My pup loves fruit/veggies! I'm sure she'll love these too.

ZACSMA said...

My Pibbles love fruit treats :)

JR Pickett aka Vicki Vix said...

Vicki would probably prefer the fruit, not that she likes the real thing. My Springer would have loved either as he ate both fruit and veg. If I win maybe I'll save these for the new puppy I'd like to get. fromfurrin at gmail dot com

bhaley518 said...

I know my buddy would love the veggie variety he is not so big on fruits

Dutchbrosluv said...

My dogs will eat almost anything! My dachshund Scooby is on a diet. He will prefer the Pet 'n Shape with fruits or vegetables and he will think he getting a great snack.

Alexis said...

My dogs would like them with fruit! Thank you for the chance!

DebbyM said...

My dog, Monet, likes fruits and veggies...I think I would choose the fruits for her!

Monet's Mom, Debby

Laura Jacobson said...

I think Murphy would like the Pet 'n Shape with fruits



Tia S. said...

My Wicket is a 7-lb. Shih Tzu and I think if he were to choose, he'd choose veggie but really, he would more than likely love any kind! :)

Wanda McHenry said...

Folly prefers veggies, I've tried a few different fruits and she picks them out of her food.

Wanda McHenry

Lisa said...

Both sound good, but I'll pick the veggies! : )

Unknown said...

It is hard to say what dikka would do, but i am betting on the veggies.

Kolchak Puggle said...

I wonder if we can find these in Canada? They look like something the Mama would definitely let us have!

lilyk said...

The Pet 'n Shape with fruits would be preferred.

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