© AllThingsDogBlog.com Ready for a Fetch Game, Tanner? |
As I write this, I'm preparing to head out for Global Pet Expo, the largest pet product expo in the country. It's an exciting time for pet product makers with new product announcements, awards for best new products and lots of demonstrations and samples to look at.
© AllThingsDogBlog.com Good Fetch! |
Walking into the convention center, I can always feel the excitement; the thrill of what's new is palpable. Come Saturday when I get home it will be time for this column, so I'm getting a head start.
Today I'll be visited by one of my favorite people, Missy Johnson. Missy is the mastermind behind the Dogs for the PAWS project, as well as an amazing artist and the blogger behind the Bassett trio on Twitter, @RuffDogPlay. This week's convention will be her first and I'm excited to see her enthusiasm. Tanner and Oliver are planning a meeting during which Tanner intends to entice her into a good Fetch game.

When Tanner requests a Fetch demo, it's always a compliment. He doesn't perform for just anybody--LOL! As a result, bonding occurs even more deeply with him when I have the opportunity to share his skills with a good friend. Tanner and I can enjoy the game, not anxious about his performance, but rather simply enjoying the fun of it. We're in tune with one another and he stays focused better when he can see that I'm not nervous, anxious or worried.
Do you play Fetch with your dog? Any dog can learn to enjoy Fetch when given the right motivation. Even Oliver will fetch a toy that has a treat in the middle. He's very food motivated, so if I want his cooperation I need only bring out the snacks and I have his total and undivided attention.
Tanner is another story. He loves the game for what it is. I guess it's the Retriever in him--DNA in action. This is the job his breed was bred for and he demonstrates it well. I hear a car in the driveway and Tanner is preparing to open the door to our visitor; it's showtime!
This week's Weekly Wag is a memory refresher about bonding with your dog through the age-old game of Fetch. There's nothing like it for Woman and her dog!
Fetch training posts on All Things Dog Blog:
- Preparing for Fetch Training
- Sit and Stay: More Fetch Preparation
- The Most Important Fetch Skill
- Stringing Skills for Fetch
- Building the Fetch Cycle
- Extra Credit Fetch
Let me hear from you on how Fetch training is going with your dog. Any stellar competitors out there? Tanner wants to take you on! Name the time and place--hehe!

Elizabeth Bergesen said...
Very cool that you get to go to the expo :)
Our Retriever likes to kill her toy before she brings it back to us :)
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
@My Life: Oh my! Tanner would not have many toys if he did that. Good luck with your toy collection.
Dawn said...
So sweet! Have fun at the pet expo. I wish I could be there. Maybe next year. :)
At first my Labrador Retriever Maya wasn't very good at retrieving. But eventually, she learned how rewarding it can be to bring the toy back. Pierson is learning this now too. Although, both fail at this game in the snow because they get distracted with all the fun fluffy white stuff. Oh well, at least they're having fun!
SEO Services in UK said...
It was pleasure to read your blog.
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
@Dawn: Tanner wants to know if he can come play in your snow :)
KateV said...
There's no retriever in him, but Shiloh loves fetch in just about any form. His favorite though is fetching a kicked soccer ball. We go through soccer balls like crazy because he eventually accidentally pokes a tooth through. He also likes to shake toys, so if he can get a even just a bit of the outer layer lifted, he grabs it and does a "death shake" before returning the ball and crouching for the next kick. We have one old ball that is just a shell- completely flat with huge holes and the outside torn completely off. But every time I try to throw it away, he gives me the most pathetic and heartbreaking look imaginable.
KateV said...
Now that I'm thinking about it, Shiloh wouldn't fetch for the longest time. He'd chase a thrown ball at first, but the second it stopped moving he lost interest. He wanted to chase and herd, not retrieve. But as he got a little older, it just clicked in his head that bringing it back meant it would move again. Now he loves it!
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