© A. Boyko Tanner Watches as I Set Up for Bath Time |
© Carrie Boyko You Want to Scrub the Tub, Tanner? |
Tanner is interested in my new batch of bath goodies, just received from the nice folks at Dogs Unleashed. I couldn't help but fall in love with this bone-shaped sponge. It has one side that is a scrubby pad also, so I can make certain Tanner's tub is clean before we get started.
© A. Boyko Ruff Life Apron |
I'm likely to get a bit wet in the process of bathing Tanner, as he thinks drying off should be done by rubbing his face all over ME. We'll see if I can at least keep my Blogpaws Tshirt dry, as I've gotten an adorable bath apron from Dogs Unleashed. I love the way the neck and ties work on this design. Instead of tying at the neck and separately around the middle, the tie is one loop that goes over your head and runs through the sides to tie it on--pretty slick. Here's a close up pic of the artwork on the front:
© Carrie Boyko Cute, huh? |
© A. Boyko Tanner. Come! |
Tanner is getting impatient so I signal him into the tub. Water; yes! I snuck his favorite tub toy--a rubber ducky, of course--into the Dogs Unleashed tote bag, along with their towel, bath mitts, sponge and apron. We're all set, so it's time to get to the task at hand.
© Carrie Boyko Pre-Bath Massage is Relaxing |
If there's one sure way to help your fido enjoy his bath, it's to add forms of relaxation to the mix. A good massage makes each and every bath a "Calgon, Take Me Away" experience, that Tanner and Oliver can always look forward to again. Do you think they see me as their masseuse? That's okay; I'll take that job. What Tanner doesn't know is that his feet are soaking while he's getting his rubdown.
Now it's time to get Tanner wet and soaped up. That means more massage, as the process of working the shampoo into the fur of a 70 pound dog takes a bit more rubbing than when I bathe little 10 lb. Oliver, my Papillon.
© A. Boyko First a Basic Body Shampoo |
© A Boyko Mitts On |
These mitts have finger sheaths inside of them, so it's as if you are putting on gloves. Each finger slides into its own space, making the mitts much easier to manipulate around your dog's delicate areas. Tanner doesn't consider anything delicate except his eyes, but Oliver likes a gentler touch, so these handy mitts are awesome for dealing with his dainty little....everything!
© A. Boyko Gentle Around the Eyes Mom |
Since Tanner enjoys a face rub when he does it himself, he found this quite pleasant. At times he actually pushed his face into the mitts, getting a better massage as we worked around his face really well. It was probably the best facial he's ever had. Well, okay; it was the first facial he's ever had. But no seaweed or anything too girlie; he's a buff boy, ya know!
© A. Boyko "Dry the Doggie" Time |
This large, microfiber towel was part of our bath kit by Dogs Unleashed. I've never owned a microfiber towel, although I've heard they absorb better than others and dry faster too. We'll test it out on Tanner and give you a report.
This towel came embroidered with an adorable pawprint, and as with all their products, comes in a number of attractive color combinations. After all, some of us really do care what color towel we dry off our fido with! Check out the pic of the embroidery:
© Carrie Boyko The Trim is a Nice Touch Too |
Dogs Unleashed also makes a panel-shaped towel, much like the ones for baby baths, that has pockets in the ends. It looked to me to be a good tool for small pups like my Oliver, but Tanner needed the "big boy" version, so we opted for this one. It was large enough to get him good and dried off without having to resort to another one of my towels.
Usually it takes 2 of our traditional terry-cloth towels to do the job on Tanner, so I suppose that was a good success story. Who knew such a thin towel could absorb so much moisture?
© A. Boyko My Jeans Still Managed to Get Wet |
All in all, another successful bath. I'm glad I don't have to resort to leashes. A little affection teams up well with a warm day to make for a nice, relaxing bath. Thanks to Dogs Unleashed for introducing us to some new supplies that will make future tub times a bit smoother. Now I have the fun job of cleaning up. Where did I put that cute, bone-shaped sponge?
After everything is clean and dry, I'll pack it up in the tote bag for storage until the next bath day. Organization is something I can always use more of. Now all my bath supplies, including our favorite shampoo, gets tucked into the cute tote for next time.
© Carrie Boyko 2 Big Prizes Include Tote, Apron, Towel, 2 Mitts and 2 Sponges |
I've got two full sets of the whole kit: Tote bag, microfiber towel, microfiber bath mitts (2-pack), Ruff Life Apron, and bone-shaped sponges (in 2-packs). In addition, I'll offer 3 smaller prizes in which each winner will get 1 of the following: Ruff Life Apron, Tote Bag, or 2 Mitts and 2 sponges teamed up as 1 prize. That's 5 total prizes from Dogs Unleashed. Sound good?
This giveaway is good for North American addresses only, void where prohibited, and available to ages 18 and older. Now all you have to do is try to get some entries in so you'll have a chance to win something from this giveaway. Here's how:
- COMMENTS are the primo form of entry--super simple since you're already here. Visit the bottom of the post to find the COMMENTS link and click.
- You may enter the giveaway once daily per method, but you must use a different Tweet, comment, photo, etc. each time.
- Winners will be selected from comments here on the blog that include a method of contact (URL, email, Twitter handle, etc). All Tweets and emails must be followed up with a comment here to be entered in the drawing. Random.org will be used to select the winners.
- For 3 entries, drop me an email at AllThingsDogBlog@gmail.com with a photo of your pup and a sign that says "We Love Bathtime with Dogs Unleashed". You can print a picture from this post and write the note on the photo for an extra entry. That's 4 entries right there! Your photo may even be featured on our Facebook page, or here on the blog.
- Likewise, Bathtime photos of your dog sent to AllThingsDogBlog@gmail.com will earn you 4 entries. However, remember that you must follow up the photo with 4 comments to register your entries for the drawing. It will be done via computer selection, so the comment is needed to get you a win!
- Leave a comment here saying "I Like All Things Dog Blog on Facebook" for another entry.
- Likewise, follow @AllThingsDog on Twitter and leave a comment here telling me you've done this.
- Subscribing to our blog by email using the dog house subscription box at left is a great way to keep up with our posts, giveaways, Ask the Vet and Trainer columns and more. Leave me a comment for one entry, saying "I subscribe to All Things Dog Blog." RSS subscribers may use this method also. Click this link for more info on RSS.
- And of course, hit that Tweet/Retweet button at the top of the post, and then leave me a comment telling me you Tweeted/Retweeted this post. Leave your Twitter handle for verification and we'll be thrilled to give you another entry.
- Don't forget to include a method of contact so we can notify you if you win.
- Entries will close at 5 PM sharp on Thursday, July 21st. I'll report the winners on Friday afternoon, July 22nd.
I hope you've enjoyed this bath-themed product review as much as Tanner and I enjoyed sharing it with you. Oliver is feeling a bit left out though. You can visit him at 5 Minutes for Fido and see what he's up to. I'm guessing he's trying to nudge his way into this fun also.

Kolchak Puggle said...
Well gee~that does look peaceful and fun. HA HA HA! I should do a post on Koly getting a bath, except that I can't have the camera in the room. And if I could, I'm exerting all my energy trying to get him in and keep him in the tub, which somehow managing to soap and rinse him.
K-Koira said...
Well as usual this would be an awesome product to have at our house. Pallo gets super depressed, crouches down, tail tucked during baths, and Koira just digs in her feet and looks mournful, with the occasional attempt to get away. Which is silly, since they both love swimming.
Kathy said...
I follow your blog via email and facebook. And this giveaway looks perfect for me. My pup is a show dog and gets baths regularly. He isn't crazy about them so anything to help is great. I espeically like the apron and the microfiber towel.
and Rory too
katkiley @ aol .com
Katie said...
I like all things dog blog on facebook!
Katie said...
I follow you on twitter @katiemitchell1
Cynthia said...
I Like All Things Dog Blog on Facebook - crzycoookies@yahoo.com
Unknown said...
Looks like some great products. Tanner is a very well behaved boy at bath time; I wish I could say the same for our group :)
Cynthia said...
I subscribe to All Things Dog Blog. crzycoookies@yahoo.com
Anonymous said...
I LOVE All Things Dog Blog and I follow you on Facebook!! Schooner and Skipper would love to have their own towels instead of the old towels I use on them...The mitt and Sponge would be great because they do not like the washrag as I call it to wash them.
Sharon G. sjgilbert@aol.com
Cynthia said...
I sent you a picture of Jack's bath time! Woohoo 1/4 entries! :) crzycoookies@yahoo.com
Cynthia said...
2/4 entries for Bath Time pic. The dog getting a bath in the picture is Jack. He has allergies and needs to be bathed on a frequent basis so this kit would really help out! It's not his fault the water is so murky by the way - I gave his crazy sister Zora a bath right before him. She likes to roll in the dirt. I might take a picture with her and a sign tomorrow. :) crzycoookies@yahoo.com
Cynthia said...
3/4 entries for bath time pic. crzycoookies@yahoo.com
Cynthia said...
4/4 entries for bath time pic. Good luck everyone! crzycoookies@yahoo.com
Anonymous said...
I am a subscriber to All Things Dog Blog
Sharon G. - sjgilbert@aol.com
Ashley Clark said...
I sent in a picture of Lola's First Bath!!
ashley41jones@gmail.com 1/4
Ashley Clark said...
Lola's not the biggest fan of a bath
Ashley Clark said...
She is coming around though
Ashley Clark said...
She prefers the river... but she doesn't realize that makes her need a bath even more!
Ashley Clark said...
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Katie said...
I e-mailed you pictures of Roxy getting a bath and what she looked like after her bath!
Katie said...
I e-mailed you pictures of Roxy getting a bath and what she looked like after her bath!
Katie said...
I e-mailed you pictures of Roxy getting a bath and what she looked like after her bath!
Ashley Clark said...
I sent you an email with a pic of Lola saying "all things dog blog" and "we love"
Ashley Clark said...
I sent you an email of a photo with bath time!!
Ashley Clark said...
Lola takes a lot of outside baths so this would be great!!! I sent your email a picture!
Ashley Clark said...
I love your blog!! Photo sent!
Anna Galanos said...
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Vicki Bechet said...
Ok Carrie - I finally found the time to read the posts and respond to some of the contests. We would love to win the bath gift pack for Daisy - I love the idea of the mitts and the microfiber towel set aside ONLY for her (not us!). Thanks again for your wonderful blog.
Ashley Clark said...
I retweeted today 7/16
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I sent you a photo to your inbox about bath time saying all things dog blog!! 7/16
Ashley Clark said...
I sent you a photo to your inbox about bath time saying all things dog blog!! 7/16
Ashley Clark said...
I sent you a photo to your inbox about bath time saying all things dog blog!! 7/16
Ashley Clark said...
I sent a picture of our Lola as a baby in the big bad bath tub!!
Ashley Clark said...
I sent a picture of our Lola as a baby in the big bad bath tub!!
Ashley Clark said...
I sent a picture of our Lola as a baby in the big bad bath tub!!
Ashley Clark said...
I sent a picture of our Lola as a baby in the big bad bath tub!!
Richa said...
Ahh bath time... Chewie isnt too fond of baths.. but doesnt fuss much... its easier though, coz we can just put him in the kitchen sink:) quick shower and then lots of running around..
i have to dig up his bath pics.. will send one on fb!
have a fun weekend!
Chew and Richa
cstironkat said...
7/17 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/92710666007355392
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Joann said...
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I sent you a picture at bathtime
Ashley Clark said...
I sent you a picture at bathtime
Joann said...
First comment for Quorra's bathtime photo.
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Second comment for Quorra's bathtime photo.
Joann said...
Third comment for Quorra's bathtime photo.
Joann said...
Fourth comment for Quorra's bathtime photo.
Joann said...
This would work great for my little pomeranian. It's hard work to give her a bath with all that fur that she has.
cstironkat said...
7/18 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/93047595823407104
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crichman said...
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Ashley Clark said...
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cstironkat said...
This would be wonderful for our Samoyed Rescue group, some of the dogs we get into rescue are filthy and stink. You wouldn't believe the difference after a bath you can tell the dogs really love how they look and feel.
cstironkat said...
7/19 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/93453622934913024
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7/19 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/93454149718507520
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I sent you a photo today saying all things dog blog
Ashley Clark said...
I sent you a photo today saying all things dog blog
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Joann said...
1/4 Comment for bathtime photo.
Joann said...
2/4 Comment for bathtime photo.
Joann said...
3/4 Comment for bathtime photo.
Joann said...
4/4 Comment for bathtime photo.
Joann said...
This would make bathtime so much easier!
cstironkat said...
I would enjoy bathtime more if I had a great package to make things easier.
cstironkat said...
7/20 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/93774736890408960
cstironkat said...
7/20 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/93775540586156032
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i tweeted today
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I posted a photo on facebook saying all things dog blog
Ashley Clark said...
I posted a photo on facebook saying all things dog blog
Ashley Clark said...
I posted a photo on facebook saying all things dog blog
Ashley Clark said...
I submitted a bath time photo on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I submitted a bath time photo on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I submitted a bath time photo on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I submitted a bath time photo on facebook
Anonymous said...
I sent a Picture of Roxy(blogger is messing up)
Anonymous said...
I e-mailed a picture of Roxy
cstironkat said...
Kouga likes water and doesn't mind a bath, Milele hates it, so anything that would make bathing her easier would be so helpful.
cstironkat said...
7/21 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/94120735387295744
cstironkat said...
7/21 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/94121680154263552
Anonymous said...
I sent you a picture of Zora's bath time! Having this kit would really help out next month. :) crzycoookies@yahoo.com #1
Anonymous said...
I sent you a picture of Zora's bath time! crzycoookies@yahoo.com #2
Anonymous said...
I sent you a picture of Zora's bath time! crzycoookies@yahoo.com #3
Anonymous said...
I sent you a picture of Zora's bath time! crzycoookies@yahoo.com #4
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Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a pic on facebook today saying all things dog blog
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a pic on facebook today saying all things dog blog
Ashley Clark said...
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Anonymous said...
I Like All Things Dog Blog on Facebook. garrettsambo@aol.com
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