© AllThingsDogBlog.com Our First Petfinder Find! Sweet Xena Grew Old with Us |
We've all heard the reasons that some families do not wish to adopt. Among them is a highly common one: "We want a purebred dog." When a family decides that they just absolutely have to have a Boston Terrier or a Labrador Retriever--you name the breed--there are still options for helping a homeless pet find family with you.
Many would-be dog owners are unaware that breed specific rescues exist. These are often not the ones you see each weekend at large pet retail stores, running adoption events. More likely, you'll find their listings in the newspaper: Golden Retriever Rescue 407-XXX-XXXX.
I'd like to help you locate the specific breed rescue you seek. Please give adoption a chance. There's a dog out there waiting for you to take him home. At least go meet one or two and see what you find.
For the first time in my life I have 3 purebred dogs in my home. They all came to me via different rescue/adoption avenues. Our latest addition, Jacque, was put up for adoption when his owner learned she had a terminal illness. He was still a puppy, maybe 6 months old at the time. You just never know what you'll find if you don't give adoption a try. We found Jacque through Petfinder.com.
You'll find plenty of purebred dogs on Petfinder. Just pick your breed at the center of the page when you visit, add in the other selections and off you'll go to a nice listing of pets in your area. You pick the sex, age, and location.
Tanner's 'show quality' breeder found his unsatisfactory conformation to be disconcerting,
and did not want Tanner on his record. Seriously; I'm not making this stuff up! Tanner was on his way to HSUS when I intercepted, walking away thrilled to have a knobby-headed, too-tall and lanky, Golden Retriever with the exact disposition that I hoped for. I love him because of his imperfections, not in spite of them!
You'll find an AKC Breed Rescue listing at this link. Now go find your dream dog and be sure to come back and read all my Weekly Wag posts to help you bond with your new furry friend. Please, please, please, leave a comment if you find this helpful or have questions. I would love to hear from you!

Dawn said...
This is great! So many people don't even think of this option. After Sephi passed away and my husband said he'd like a "smart" dog like my mom's Border Collie mix, Solo, I started looking for this breed. Even though we rescued Pierson as a stray living in a park, we started out our search by checking PetFinder.com and Border Collie rescue groups.
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