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Monday, June 24, 2013

Mutt Monday Shares Kitty Litter Tips

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
With a Swheat Scoop Twitter Party being announced tomorrow, I find myself thinking about kitty litter quite a bit these days. Sounds boring, right? What's cool is that this kitty litter is so Eco-friendly that I feel much better about using it. Our compost pile stays busy year round with vegetable ends, kitchen scraps and dry parts of dead plants, etc. Now I have another way to add to my composting pile, and keep my upper body exercise going--LOL. Turning that pile with a pitchfork is definitely a tough job when the pile is more full.

Patches has had her share of litter transitions and has been a good sport about it all. Not every cat owner can say this; some have finicky meows that really do have preferences. Some kitties simply refuse to use new litter. 

Today I'm sharing a few posts on kitty litter issues. Bloggers may join me to link up their posts on kitty litter topics, litterbox tips and so on. We'd love to get more input since Patches is not saying a whole lot :)

would you mind giving me a little help with getting the word out by clicking on this Tweet. This is definitely a topic that requires more input!
Thanks for the assistance. I hope to see you back again next Monday when I'll be spilling on 

Coping with Summer Heat
I'm sure we can all agree this is an important topic for keeping our pets safe at this time of year. Join me and bring your comments along.
Happy tails,
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