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When speaking with people one on one, I often recommend they read the book The Hundred Year Lie by Randall Fitzgerald. An investigative journalist covering the food industry for sometime, Fitzgerald helps you understand the scary stuff going on there and you'll probably put two and two together. Organic is simply a safer bet.
I know what you're saying. How do we really know the ingredients are organic? There have been reports of slip ups in the system that oversees the certification of the various levels of organic foods. All in all, though, the odds are in your favor if you choose organic.
You may be saying what I hear a lot of, "I just can't afford the price of organic food." Here's my compromise solution for that problem: The two most important categories of food to choose organic in are meats and dairy. Why? Because both are traditionally produced with added hormones and antibiotics to control bacteria and grow bigger animals in less time. When you buy organically-produced animal products (Yes; eggs, milk and cheese are animal products.) you are not getting those additives that are so terribly dangerous for your long term health.
Oddly enough, fruits and vegetables take front seat in the marketing of organic products. That's simply a result of the difference in prices. Fruits and vegetables are less expensive than meats and dairy, no matter how they are produced. And they're better for you when grown organically also. However, if you've got to make a choice, look at your more important category, the one where considerably more toxins are being added to your food.
Organix has been our choice for at least 5 years. The ingredients panel is why. The number one ingredient is Organic Chicken. No antibiotics; no added hormones; no pesticides or herbicides; no synthetic fertilizers. The animals were raised on land that was handled organically and feed that was produced organically. You just can't beat that recipe.
Today I'm opening up a huge giveaway. I'm playing catch up after a few delays put me behind in handing off pet food trials. Today is your opportunity to grab a big batch of Organix or Castor and Pollux Natural Ultramix. I'll be giving away some of each, but each winner will be assured their entire freebie will be one type of food. This will allow you to take advantage of a complete trial, including the proper switch up to the new food. You'll be able to see how well your pet enjoys and tolerates their formula. Be sure to stop by the website for instructions on how to properly transition your dog to a new food, so as not to upset his delicate digestive system.
The rafflecopter form that will help you enter this grandiose giveaway is a finicky eater. If it's hiding from you down there, simply click on the post title to call it to you, and you'll be ready to go. Entries will be accepted through 11:59 PM on Monday, February 25. Winners will be announced Tuesday, February 26. Good luck to you all in this massive giveaway:

talented private investigators said...
Pets needs as much nutrition as human beings. A lot of products in the market do not have the nutrient values they claim. It's good to stick to a few quality products with good reviews.
Anonymous said...
My boy has been eating C&P Ultramix Weight Management kibble and loves it! I wish I knew about it a few years ago but now that we do, we'll never leave!
Cheryl Chervitz said...
I do feed organic food, and I think it has been better for my 4 dogs. Their coats and skin problems have cleared up.
Jessica @ YouDidWhatWithYourWeiner said...
My recent focus had been on going grain free. After trying it for a while I am not sure that it is necessary for us. I have seen to health changes in Chester and Gretel from before and after. I think eating organic would be more important for them than grain free.
lennyg said...
Honestly? Probably the expense but we do mix organic in from time to time. I've heard it's OK to mix (good) dog food for variety if your pup can tolerate the variety.
Mary W said...
Though he eats a variety of high quality foods, price has been the main reason I haven't fed Casey strictly organic food.
larrielle said...
Good question...Of course Bentley's health is important to me, but I've never really thought hard on why he doesn't eat organic.
KateV said...
I've really been tempted, but haven't because my dogs are on a prescription diet for joint health. My older dog needs it, and it's a good idea for my younger dog for prevention- especially as he's an agility dog. Every vet I've talked to, from my vet's office and several others, have said that this food is the very best thing I can have my dogs on. They even feed it to their own dogs, or plan to feed it to them when they get older. On the flip side... it's not organic, natural, or even particularly great in areas other than all the great joint health additives (lots of fish oil, chondrotin, etc). My dogs aren't crazy about it- Shiloh seems to like it, though he'd probably eat anything. Cheyenne it's always a struggle to get her to eat- but she's a picky eater to begin with. Biggest con: Price. I don't mind spending a bit more on something that is really good for my dogs. But the price has been going up, and it's now $30 for an 8.5# bag. When you're feeding two dogs 3/4 cups each twice a day... the bag goes fast and it's getting really expensive. So we're at the point where we're weighing the pro's and con's- switch them to a somewhat cheaper, more natural food, or keep them on the expensive food that I'm told by many is very, very good for their joints? I still don't know, but it'd be great to try this food. Maybe I can try my younger dog on it, and if I like it talk to the vet about how to help their joints in a different way...
Danielle said...
I do read read the ingredients and by what I feel is a good quality food but the big limit for me and organic is price.
Anna said...
I would like to feed organic food, but it is really expensive for me.
Katie said...
I try to get my pets higher quality food but it does get expensive so no they don't always get organic(neither do I get organic) My dogs like both Organix and Natural Ultramix
evie said...
i have use organic b4 and used organix however, i prerfer nature's variety rabbit and raw venison. i also have used raw rabbit, freezed dried. along w/ kale/mustard greens steamed in olive oil, string beans, baby carrots, squash. i used to cook all my dog's foods b/c i go to a homeopathic vet and she did not like any store bought food. i have used salmon, 97% lean ground sirloin, etc. the baby was very picky eater at one time and only would eat freeze dried raw venison. sometimes some of the organic foods have brewer's yeast which can cause little skin bumps in some breeds.
Unknown said...
I have 3 big dogs and it would be too expensive so I feed them Kibbles and Bits they really like that
Janet Twokay said...
I always buy whatever is on sale. Since organic food tends to be more expensive, it falls by the wayside.
Danielle Murgia said...
I only buy organic when I have the money. Since I am now living alone and running a household by myself, the extra money is just not there. I would love to buy organic.
Dawn said...
My husband and I eat organic meat, but we have been hard-pressed to find dog food with organic meat. I've never heard of Organix before so I will have to see if I can find this at our local pet store.
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
@Dawn: Most PetSmart and Petco stores carry the Castor and Pollux Organix brand. There are a number of different varieties as well. Enjoy!
CRichman said...
I feed my dogs all organic foods and treats because I feel its extremely important.
cohart239@aol.com & crichmanfreebies@gmail.com
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Your honest input is very helpful. Keep the comments coming. Thanks to all of you who have included your honest thoughts. :)
emeraldmaz said...
Ok, there are a few reasons I have gotten away from the organic foods for my dogs. One, my Vinnie had Parvo as a pup--before I rescued him--, and the richer foods give him tummy problems. But I've been looking into foods and yes, the denser organic foods are great, but dogs need the amino acids found in corn, there are other reasons but I don't feel like arguing. And, the organic foods are so expensive! I haven't been working for about 3 years, so I coupon clip and scrounge to feed everyone. Unless I win it I can't afford the pricy stuff.
Stacy said...
Its pretty much the expense. I buy it when I can afford it.
Gingeroo616 at AOL dotcom
Emily R. said...
I do feed organic, because the horror stories about what is in non-organic dog foods would keep me awake at night if I fed that stuff.
Nicole said...
Our big focus is staying grain free. Never really thought about buying organic though. Something I may need to look into.
Lisa F. said...
I'm not too worried about organic. I have fed my dogs Eukanuba for years and have been very happy with it. I know there are many regulations to ensure the food is safe...and that if there's a problem, they find out pretty quick.
Elena said...
I buy organic food for my dog, but not as often as I would like to because it's too expensive
Trish B. said...
I buy organic food for my dogs and kitties! I want them to be as healthy as possible and live as long as possible! I love them so much! Thank you!
Unknown said...
I'm one of those fur moms who reads labels on everything..... I have eight dogs, three of which are rescues. Ive never been able to find a single food that all the dogs did well on and right now currently feed three different kibbles. I just found out that one of my current foods is no longer going to be carried by my local pet store but they do carry C&P so I'm interested in trying it to see how the dogs like it and how they do on it as I'm going to need another new high quality food since I'll no longer be able to get the one food locally. I have ordered dog food online before but in addition to the high shipping costs, I've had trouble with food being back ordered and not getting it when I needed (which is precisely why I first started feeding the majority of my dogs a 50/50 mixture of two foods, so I prefer to be able to use something that I can purchase locally to avoid those problems. I do not mind paying more for high quality food and I am very interested in C&P for my fur kids. I try to feed the best quality foods and treats to them and really like organic and natural products and only use stuff made in the USA and a few things made in Canada. Thank you for this giveaway. Dh_jax@yahoo.com
vanessa said...
i try to purchase the best for my dogs because they deserve it. they are also seniors.. and I want to extended their lives
Deanna said...
I just got my dog last month. I have been reading reviews to find the best before buying any. Haven't tried organic yet, but the one I have now has TOO much fiber for her so I need a better one.
The Diamond Dogs said...
I actually just recently switched my dogs to a more organic food. They are now on NutriSource Grain-free food. I was amazed that the price for the 30 lb bag of grain-free was less than the other brand I was feeding, but it was the same amount of food and seemed better for them. I want the best for my 3 dogs and that begins from the inside out!
Unknown said...
I feed my pup the same food the breeder was feeding when I brought her home. Its a decent food, but not organic. I haven't switched her just yet because she is still only 4 mons.
Unknown said...
I think if I can't afford to buy organic everything for my family, well, I certainly don't have the money to buy it for the dogs. I wish I did. Probably when the boys are grown and moved out (which wont be much longer), but, not right now.
Misty said...
I do. Steel enjoys it.
Nancy said...
Molimo dives into her Organix.
Rick said...
Nothing to spill here.
Michelle Spayde said...
We do feed many organic foods.
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