© All Things Dog Blog Tanner....Come! |
Your relationship with your dog is imperative to his safety. He doesn't understand the dangers of the civilized world where traffic, animal control workers and dog-hating neighbors may be lurking. If you do absolutely nothing that could be construed as training your dog, please....please, teach him to Come when you call him.
How? Two rules:
- Be someone he wants to Come To. He must love and respect you and you must do the same for him.
- Reward him heartily when he does Come when called, but never scold when he does not. Keep it positive--plenty of praise, affection and a treat when he tries to do what you ask. Ignore him if he gives you that same attitude. Scolding him will only prove to assure he will not learn to Come. After all, would you want to run joyously back to someone who just yesterday yelled at you for not coming to them?
At the same time you're practicing this skill that may someday save your dog's life, you'll also be working on the Fetch game. In order to play Fetch, he'll need to return the toy for the next toss. This is great practice, and will work best if done several times a day in short sessions.
Keep it fun and let me know how it's going. Leave your comments at the sign up post for the Weekly Wag group, to be sure you're entered in the drawing at the end of March. Don't forget to add yourself to the sign up list while you're at that announcement post, if you have not yet joined. Happy wagging!

Need to catch up on your Weekly Wags? Here are this previous posts:

Anonymous said...
Hey, it's Jet here. Great advice...
The Joke Puppy said...
Very sound advice, Carrie & Tanner.
Jen said...
I agree, "Come" is the most important thing!
There are also fewer cues that are more frustrating when your dog decides she "doesn't wanna"...I've kicked myself a few times for not making it a top priority when Elka was a puppy. She's better now, certainly, and has recalled at times I wasn't actually sure she would!
Pug Daddy said...
This old command...We have had some difficulty with this, but I'd like some advice to possibly get better at it. Should I say "come!" or should I say "come here Bunk!" or does it make any difference at all?
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
@Pug Daddy: Excellent question. Commands are best in as few syllables as possible. Include your dog's name first to get his attention: "Bunk! Come!" Good luck--practice frequently!
FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...
Hi Y'all,
Great post!
Just hopped by to catch up on your happenings and say hello! Have a great weekend!
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Rumpydog said...
I'm thinking I would come.... if you had a hand full of cookies!
Jenny said...
Saying hello and I am following from Life with Dogs Pet Blog Hop. I am excited to start reading entries!
Kolchak Puggle said...
Koly has excellent recall, Fe's is spotty. Fve years of work..still spotty...
cdmtx said...
Spaz our Boxer Mix does really good with the recall ...YoYo our Min -Pin on the other Hand has a lot of ADD when it comes to recall :) maybe its the breed ?
cdm65 @cox dot net
cdmtx said...
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