Thanks to the Huffington Post for sharing this video in an article. It's nicely done and inspiring in a whole different way. Let's channel that inspiration into some pickup of our own. Grab some free flushable Flush Puppies for your Dog Doogity by entering to win below.
If the Rafflecopter entry form does not appear below, simply click on the title above to refresh and it will show up just beneath my name:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

CRichman said...
cute video!
Misty said...
Interesting new Rafflecopter. It's harder to understand. Is this where you want the answer to your question? If so, I like the idea of the mini septic systems for pet waste.
Katie said...
When you see someone who isnt cleaning up after their dog offer them a bag to clean it up
Nancy said...
We dig a fence post hole in the edge of the yard and fill it in with doggie waste, top with dirt and start over.
Rick said...
The bury option works well here.
Lori Miller said...
I think if more folk understood the contaminant factors associated with leaving pet waste lay, they would be more inclined to clean up after their dog. We are always responsible with dog waste, at home with a scoop and away with baggies.
Cynthia Downer said...
Dog poo bag dispensers at high dog traffic areas.. Sad, but the parks in my area that have them have a noticably lower amount of dog waste.
Christina said...
Our neighborhood has poo bag dispensers scattered through out which seems to help :) We always use biodegradable bags
AvroraD said...
I wait a day during the winter - in Minnesota this means it has time to freeze, so it's easier to pick up and throw out. This obviously only works in our yard - out and about I have bags on the leash.
Unknown said...
I always bag it, even from the yard. I like the "bury it" option mentioned above except that the yard I'm in now is impossible to dig in - there are tree roots everywhere. If I see someone not bagging it when I'm out I'll give them a bag if I have them on me. If not I just ask them if they as politely as possible if they realize that they are contaminating our waters by not picking it up. Then I point out that it is illegal _since it is where I live) NOT to pick it up.
fromfurrin at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
Shared page on f/book. Here's the link:
fromfurrin at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I have a poop bag dispenser on every leash and attached to my belt, that way there is no forgetting the bags.
Ashley Clark said...
Let them borrow your poop bag when you catch them trying to walk away
Anonymous said...
I lead by example. If people see me cleaning up after my own dogs, I think they're more apt to also ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Ashley Clark said...
Well I just submitted a tweet with the wrong link...!/ashley41jones/status/149635256813760512
here is the right one
BorderCollieLover said...
It's so easy to pick up and dispose of. I have never understood why people are so lazy! Always carry bags with us on hikes, walks, etc and are always willing to share!
rj7777 said...
Remind them nicely to pick up. Rita Spratlen
rj7777 said...
I shared this with my friends on facebook at
lennyg said...
Cold stares
CMC said...
I'd prefer to flush, but it's not always an option (we go to parks a lot and the facilities aren't always available to us.)
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
carla9359 said...
I like the idea of the flushing, that is where our waste goes so why not our doggies?
carla9359 said...
I could not find where to subscribe to the newsletter anywhere on here.
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
@carla9359: In the narrow sidebar just to the left of the posts column, scroll to the top. You'll find a doghouse that says "Subscribe" over the doorway. Click and you'll be able to subscribe in just a few seconds of your time. Be sure to visit your email inbox and click the link in the confirmation email you'll receive from Feedburner. This activates your subscription. Good luck. If you continue to have trouble, write to me at I can help.
lilyk said...
Flush Puppies sounds like a great idea! Carrying a poop bag in my purse works for me.
Anonymous said...
I replied to your email -- *Thanks so much* All Things Dog Blog and Flush Puppies! I look forward to using Flush Puppies when I'm out with our two small dogs ヅ
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