I know you enjoyed this video about Skidboot's life. He's been around for a while and is slowing down, but still able to keep on keepin' on. This reminds me a bit of Xena and I'd like to offer a toy giveaway in honor of Xena and Skidboot--two senior dogs that didn't let anything stop them from what they enjoyed.
Xena's all time favorite toy was a sock. Sounds strange, but she always had a sock tucked away in every hiding place around the house. So we've designed a sock toy to honor Xena. It's washable and perfect for your big or small dog. Three winners will be chosen randomly from our comments box. You'll have till next Thursday afternoon to get your comments in on the blog, our Facebook page, and @ tweets to our Twitter handle. Tell us what your senior dog loves to play with. See you tomorrow for the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop...
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Scooter said...
I~~Jazzi being the oldest dog here, I like really like a great chewy bone the best. I love to chew and chew and chew.
Jazzi and Addy
JC Farris said...
Awwwww skidboot you ROCK!!!
Carrie and gang!
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