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For those of you who love the free giveaways All Things Dog Blog offers, you won't want to miss out on this one! Training videos and dog treats; what a perfect combination! This lovely selection of dog treats comes to 3 lucky winners courtesy of Dog Pack Snacks. Each winner will receive 3 Dog Snack Packs, each with different flavors, as well as 3 training videos. Some of these yummy flavors include Pea-Nutter Cookies, Sweet Liver, and Chicken-N-Cheese... mmmm.
Each video is for a different level dog; one is for beginners and puppies, good dogs with bad habits, and advanced level dogs. These will come in handy for any dog owner looking to train up their pup, and these snacks will be perfect as a reward during training, and just for the occasionally spoiling session.
Sometimes you can't resist the urge to give your dog a nice treat when they are looking particularly adorable. If you would like to learn more about these great giveaways you can visit Dog Pack Snacks on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. Be sure and enter on the rafflecopter below for your chance to win. If you don't see the form below, simply click the post title to refresh and it will return to view immediately at the bottom.
Entries will be taken through Thursday, November 1 and winners will be announced Friday evening, November 2. Best wishes to you all!

Danielle Murgia said...
Sissy's favorite trick is to shake with her paw.
lennyg said...
High Five!
Cynthia Downer said...
We taught Zora to "sit pretty", and now every time we try to start training her a new trick and she doesn't understand right away she just sits pretty and expects a treat. lol. We give in usually, which probably slows things down, but oh well. Too cute to resist.
TheVegan said...
lol @ Cynthia, one of my dogs does the same thing! My dogs favorite thing is "dancing". He stands up on his hind legs and does this weird twisting around in midair thing.
Julie said...
We taught Dumpling to give us his 'right' paw vs. his 'left' paw!
MaryW said...
Casey loves to jump over logs at a distance on command at the dog park. He's very proud of himself, and so am I!
lisagee1234 said...
Fetch with a tennis ball.
lisa lo RC form
Misty said...
Steel loves to do all of her tricks as fast as she can without being told. Her grande finale is perfectly playing dead, if dead dogs smile from ear to ear.
Rick said...
The woof and treat bowl sprint.
Nancy said...
Molimo loves to roll half way over and wag until she falls back the way she came from.
Ashley Morrow said...
Valentine likes to roll over.
Christine Aiello said...
Her favorite is "shake" (giving her paw) and "high five".
jayedee said...
my darling fleego is too old to show off these days, lexie will do ANYTHING for a treat and wild man cooper has just learned to sit reliably! we're working on it though!
mystylespot said...
that he can sit instead of jumping up on people :)
dawn rasor said...
We have a new puppy and boy could we use some training videos. Only one more puppy kindergarten class left and I worry he (Actually I) will not pass. Izzo is a totally different puppy than our last was, very vocal and sassy but he's so very smart too and I just know he could be wonderful with more help. Please pick us!!!
dawn rasor said...
Coach is 4 mos old and can sit, give feet, give other foot, down, stay...but come if a challenge to him!!!
K.Pugh said...
Our older dog loves to sit for company.
Thanks for the chance.
Kittie Kat E said...
my dog's best command is "wait".. she is amazingly patient even with the door wide open, and "touch". she could use some practice with other commands tho.
mrshill0611 said...
Be nice when he wants a treat, he holds back a little when you say that
CRichman said...
when i say scoooooby doooo he howls :)
Traci Lynn Butler said...
They will 'sit' and 'down' from hand signals
Heather said...
Kayla's favorite "trick" to perform is her "whisper"
larrielle said...
That he still doesn't listen BOL
KateV said...
Shiloh knows lots of tricks. But our favorites to show off are putting his toys away, and take a bow. The last one has been the most useful as it's not only cute, but it is an easy re-direction when I need to give him something to do to calm down, and solved our "contact monster" problems on the agility course!
Brittany said...
Double high five!
Shelley P said...
Kandy loves to show off how she can shake a paw and then her other paw. She also loves giving you a high-five.
Itsy loves singing to "How much is that doggie in the window?" LOL Then she gets a treat for being a good singa : ) At the end all 6 dogs are howling...it's so cute!
susitravl said...
Foxy can sit, take it nice and come. Lucy isn't so great....
Anna said...
I love all the tricks I taught Scruffy to do. He knows sit, speak, lay down, box up, and paw. When it's a really good treat, I have him do all five to get it. He's super cute. Bambi will do all of those except speak. He's a really good sitter, I don't even have to tell him. Daisy is such a good dog anyway. I think she just enjoys the fact I'm giving her attention so she won't do anything. She's the very definition of Chihuahua loyalty.
Jo said...
About the only thing Po does consistently is "wait" when we are getting out of the car - she knows not to climb out the drivers side and she sits and waits till I open her door, grab the leash and tell her let's go. She/we could really use these training videos.
Cheryl Chervitz said...
Each of my dogs can shake and sit pretty when asked.
Ellen Ross | Ask Away Blog said...
grace loves to sit because she knowsit makes me proud of her!
Danielle B said...
We have sit going well, working on other tricks now.
evie said...
of the 3 girls, evie is the one that is best trained, b/c i had more time, and she was the first of the 3. evie was always easy to train, house broke in just wks, and never has a mistake, she dances, rollovers, prances, shakes, plays games, etc. she is now 11. had her since she was 8 wks old. the other 2 girls are still learning, they shake, sit, lie down, tressa stays...of course they do better knowing food is their reward..
Unknown said...
shake lol that's all they know
ILuvRetrievers said...
Shadow loves to give paw to anyone, for any reason! Lol
ILuvRetrievers said...
Shadow loves to give paw to anyone, for any reason! Lol
Katie said...
Roxy's favorite trick is to give kisses and Molly's favorite trick is to smile
Catie said...
Dexter's latest trick is rolling over - he loves working for treats!
Aunt Maggie Rocks said...
Lily's favorite trick is spinning in circles on command. LOL!
Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com
Samantha D. said...
Doggie pushups is what my dog Ted likes to do
Linda Szymoniak said...
Shake paw
Stylista Fitness said...
she likes to dance :)
Anonymous said...
My beagle puppy is 6 months old and knows how to sit, lay down, roll over, give paw, crawl, sit pretty (beg) and spin around. I think his favorite is to roll over because when he's learning new tricks, he keeps rolling over as if to say, "But see? I can do this! Can I have it now?!"
Unknown said...
Legend's favorite trick is touch using paw. He is very paw expressive.
Carries Rambles said...
Chester loves to dance (and it always makes me laugh)
Anonymous said...
Dancing and high-fives
Annette said...
Rachel's favorite dog sport/trick is nosework which takes a lot of yummy treats!
Bassetmomma said...
Taraing trick, Freddie....really? Okay, he will sit when HE wants! LOL!
Bassetmomma said...
Oops! I meant "Training". Should have checked my spelling! :)
beth w. said...
High five!
AnnStaub said...
Mine likes to sit and shake.
Wanda McHenry said...
Folly's not a trickster....she's too independant, but she will roll over if I beg her! LOL
Wanda McHenry
ChiTown Momma said...
Love your blog!
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