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Firefighter Dayna Hilton said...
Very, very useful! Thank you!
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Jen said...
It's funny, I've been thinking lately about how I taught Elka "drop it" and genuinely can't remember. I certainly didn't use the old school "ear pinch", but my method also wasn't the way the video describes (it would've sparked my memory). What a very very good video (plus, Cody is adorable! I spent a lot of time thinking "is he a Doberman mix? A Shepherd mix?")
Bessie Mac said...
Very interesting technique!
K-Koira said...
My problem is my dog drops too much. That is to say, he drops the toy several feet away from me, then when told to "bring it here" will pick it up and toss it closer a few times before it is within arms' reach. I want to train him to put the toy in my hand without dropping it or tossing it at all first.
Peggy Frezon said...
Thanks for this video. Kelly will "drop it" but not consistently. I am sure that is in direct proportion to the consistency of her trainer!
shilohsmom said...
Great video!
Dawn said...
His voice is so monotone that I almost fell asleep! But the technique is sound But I taught my dogs like Carrie did with toys first, then worked my way up to food.
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