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Sunday, January 23, 2011

King Charles Cavalier Spaniel's Health Concerns: Raising Awareness

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Today marks the first day of a week of awareness for a far too common condition found in the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel: Syringomyelia. You can learn more at one of my fellow bloggers' site: Two Little Cavaliers.

Recently, our own Dr. Pat received a letter, as part of our ASK THE VET column, from a concerned breeder who wrote to ask questions that reflected her conscientious awareness of the possibility. You might also like to read the post with Dr. Pat's answer to this caring breeder

If you follow any pet blogs, you're probably already aware of the frequent health conditions that arise from the deplorable environment in Puppy Mills. With little regard for the health of the parents, how can you expect to get healthy puppies from a puppy mill?  Here is Dr. Pat's take on that situation, for your consideration:

"Recently I attended a talk given by Wayne Pacell, the CEO for the United States Humane Society.  Here is one of the stats he quoted:  Every year there are 2 million puppies sold through puppy mills and 2 million animals euthanized at animal shelters." Math again, Dr. Pat?"  Well, you have to admit that this is not only the easiest math question you'll ever answer, but also one with a crystal clear practical application:  Get a dog from a shelter or reputable breeder. Puppy mills, and the enormous suffering to animals they bring, will be put straight out of business if we stop supporting them with our hard-earned paychecks."

If you have a question for Dr. Pat about any animal health concern, please write to us at We'd like to help. Happy tails!


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