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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dog Blogging Around the Web

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Can You Believe
I Learned to Type on one of These?
My recent growth spurt has brought a few fun perks. One that I particularly enjoy is the opportunity to wear a different hat, so to speak. Writing for other blogs is fun because I get to put myself in a slightly different niche, think differently, and therefore offer something unlike me to a whole new group of readers.

Coming up shortly, I have enjoyed preparing a post on picking up guys, by using your dog. Doesn't sound much like me, does it? Hubby isn't reading this, but if he were, he'd know it is simply me wearing another hat. Would you like to read that post?'s not out yet! But I'll let you know when it is.

For now, I thought it might be good to remind you that my guest posts are all listed on a sub-page of this website: My Guest Posts on Other Blogs. Not a terribly creative name, but it gets the job done. Here's a few of the latest:

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