The American Kennel Club recently announced the addition of three recognized breeds, bringing the total to 167 currently recognized AKC breeds. The Cane Corso is a large, muscular breed, that is smart and quite trainable. This dog is known to be affectionate with its owner and generally easy-going. That's a good thing, when you consider it's size: Females average 90-100 lbs and males come in at 100-110 lbs.
Cane Corsos are of Italian heritage, and will be a part of the Working Dogs Category. That should come as no surprise, given their size.
The Icelandic Sheepdog is the only dog that is native to Iceland. It's energetic playfulness, inquisitive and hardy nature make it a shoe in for agility. Weighing in at 20-30 lbs., this adorable dog will likely be a good choice for active families in the north, where his thick coat will be a welcome outerwear.
More familiar to me is the Leonberger, a giant breed that has come to us from Germany. This dog's gentle nature will likely make it a favorite with families, as it is generally calm and friendly. Rarely aggressive, the Leonberger is a gentle giant that is known to be great with kids.
Just in case you're looking to add a new dog to your pack, I have linked each to its national organization, to assist you with finding suitable breeders in your area. Before visiting a breeder, I would encourage you to search the rescue selections for possible available dogs. Petfinder and Adopt-a-Pet have great search functions that allow you to easily find dogs in your own area with the features that you seek. You can test out Adopt-a-Pet below, if you like.
If you determine that you must use a breeder, remember to avoid puppy stores and seek knowledgeable breeders that look for the best and healthiest stock to breed. Finally, don't buy from a breeder that asks no questions about the home where the dog is headed. A caring breeder will concern herself with the proper environment and family for her brood. Happy tails!

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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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Niki Maas said...
the Leonberger is One of the dogs, people around here suggest highly for a mobility dog.. But like most large breed dogs, they are lovable, but stubburn.. haa guess I will keep loing for now
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