We're just about ready to rename this great new litter box, although I don't think the folks at Litter-Robot would be too happy with us for that. At our home, it seems to have become the 'litter-valet'. No matter what you call it, it still does all of this:
- It serves up the litter in a nice, level format after running its automatic cleaning cycle.
- It automatically cleans the box 7 minutes after Meow has left it. It senses her weight is no longer there, and then waits 7 minutes before cycling, to give her time to leave the area.
- It stores the scooped clumps and 'treasures' in a scent-proof hold deep inside.
- And it's small entrance has helped keep Woof's interest at bay. That's great because the contents are not quite as accessible to Woof as they are with an old-fashioned litter box.
But the best part is that this cool gadget doesn't jam like those other self-cleaning litter boxes that raked out the 'treasures.' The globe spins around and the goodies drop through large, jam-proof openings, leaving you with no sticky messes to clean up. Awesome! Have I got you drooling for a Litter-Robot yet?
Here's a few more things you may want to know. While the new units may seem a bit pricey at first look, it'll save you loads of time and mess. Litter-Robot also sells reconditioned ones for a considerable discount. Check this out on their website for more information. While you're there, sign up for a $10 discount coupon, and be sure to read up on the 3-payment-plan. Isn't it nice to know you have options?
And there's more. The latest version has a cool 'bubble window', so Meow won't get claustrophobic. Is that cool or what?!!! Here's a picture of the window version so you and Meow can check it out.
And there's more. The latest version has a cool 'bubble window', so Meow won't get claustrophobic. Is that cool or what?!!! Here's a picture of the window version so you and Meow can check it out.
Speaking of options, I almost forgot to mention colors. Even Meow is all about aesthetics. You can choose from Eco gray (made of recycled plastics), black or beige, whatever best suits your decor, or perhaps looks best with Meow's fur or eyes.
Some of you may have pondered a concern about whether your Meow will take to this new, different-looking potty. No worries on that end. Litter-Robot gives a generous 90-day return policy, in case your Meow simply cannot bring herself to change venues. On top of that, they offer loads of help. There's a page on their website with tips for the transition, another with answers to all your questions (FAQs), and a booklet that explains everything in detail.
Another worry you may have had is the shipping cost....am I right? Again, no worries. Litter-Robot pays for the freight to you; it's all included in the price.
You may be wondering if you need special collection bags or litter for the Litter-Robot, and the answer is a resounding NO to both. The Litter-Robot works with any household plastic garbage bags (kitchen sized bags are the best size) and you can use any 'clumping' type of litter in it. We're using the sustainable, corn-based World's Best Cat Litter for our review and are quite pleased with the performance. I also like the lack of dust that used to be a mess with the clay stuff. Since we are working on reducing our carbon footprint, this new cat litter is a big boost to our numbers. Patches may not know it, but she just made our family a little bit more green.
And did I mention that the World's Best corn-based litter has a sweet, appealing smell when you open the bag? That was most unexpected and extremely pleasant. The added advantage is that corn litter is compostable, unlike it's main competition, the old-fashioned clay stuff. Just make sure you run it through the clean cycle before adding it to your compost pile.
And did I mention that the World's Best corn-based litter has a sweet, appealing smell when you open the bag? That was most unexpected and extremely pleasant. The added advantage is that corn litter is compostable, unlike it's main competition, the old-fashioned clay stuff. Just make sure you run it through the clean cycle before adding it to your compost pile.
Now that we've mastered the Litter-Robot transition, let's move on to some additional, helpful Woof and Meow topics. Join me next Saturday for a few things to think about before you adopt another pet. It's always good to be prepared, and that's what this post will be about--those topics you may not have considered. After that I'll be moving on to helping Woof and Meow adapt to one another when one of them is a new member to your household. Hope to see you here.
Have you missed any of the earlier posts in this series? Here are the links:
Also, be sure to stop in at 5 Minutes for Fido, to see what my dogs have to say about all this, where you're sure to get a good laugh.
Have you entered the drawing for our prizes? What prizes? I'll be giving away bags of Worlds' Best Cat Litter, tote bags, and miscellaneous other kitty goodies, as well as a grand prize of a Litter-Robot to one very lucky Meow. You can enter at any or all of these sites, as often as you like:
Full disclosure: The Litter-Robot and World's Best Cat Litter described in this series have been donated to All Things Dog Blog for an independent review. I have not been paid to provide my opinion of these products, and the opinion provided is my own.

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