(c) Carrie Boyko Bone Appetit Provides Treats for the Sweet |
Our friends at a local dog bakery, Bone Appetit, provided the special yummies for a "yappy hour" party at our house. After all, turning three is no small matter.
© Bone Appetit
And selecting from all their goodies was no easy job. With all the doggie digs available besides their edible goodies, I had a tough time staying focused on my decision making. Check out some of their yummy goodies here (and there's lots more!) and you'll see what I mean. They also had full-sized cakes, bacon and egg breakfasts (did I say Cracker Barrell?), and tons more to pick from. What pup wouldn't love this one?:© Bone Appetit
Yappy Meal
Another obstacle to my decision making was the smell; it was like a Paris pastry shop! I had to ask Ronda if she finds herself tempted, but looking at her slender figure, it was clear that she leaves the goodies for the pups.She also reminded me that the reason the shop smells so good is that she sticks to "sweet treat" baking--no meats. I guess that means I won't find it smelling like Thanksgiving when I visit next month--maybe like pumpkin pie?--but I can stand the Paris pastry shop aroma anytime!
© Bone Appetit
What's Not to Love About Cookies!
Since our family is pretty much totally on an organic diet, we have to leave that goal behind when we celebrate with goodies from restaurants and bakeries. I asked Ronda about ingredients when I first met her, and she had a short list that sounded like something you'll find in your own pantry. I especially liked the "all natural" part. You can read about her ingredients at the link.Oliver's party was a big hit with the traditional bone and cupcake cookies. I had to show off some of Ronda's other goodies above, because it was so tempting to take one of everything home.If I had done that, Tanner and Oliver would be on a diet. Oops! Did I say the D word?
Wishing you could share some with your pup? They ship, so feel free to shop online or stop by sometime. Tell Ronda and Toni I said hello. Happy tails!
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Patti said...
Happy Birthday, good lookin'..what's Mom got cookin'??? ;)
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Our birthday treats from Bone Appetit were super pawsome! Today is my real birthday, so I'm hoping for more surprises. Hint....hint. Mom, are you listening?
Nature by Dawn said...
Happy Birthday!!! Too bad we don't live closer or we could have gotten together and celebrated.
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