ASK THE TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog
Photo courtesy of owner on file, all rights reserved
Meet Sully
I'm thrilled to report that All Things Dog Blog is humming along quite nicely. Your letters of all sorts are so inspiring to me, that I want to share them all. Today's showcase is a toy pair each adopted separately by a groomer in Orlando. Her generosity to open her home to two lost little ones really tugged at my heart.
Sully was her first rescue, adopted from a neighbor who was unable to keep him because of long hours at work. The neighbor's two dogs barked all day and animal control was at her house twice about complaints. When our reader stepped in to help find him a home--he was 5 months old at the time--she knew he needed quite a bit of training for barking, peeing, etc. After one afternoon of him being at her home, she decided to keep him herself and give him her own love. She reports that he has turned into the sweetest, best dispositioned little guy.
Sully was not destined to be an 'only dog' for long. Recently this same reader adopted another toy pup who came to her in quite a different set of circumstances. Read on...
(c) reader photo copyrighted, all rights reserved
Smudge was Abandoned
Florida Little Dog Rescue brings their rescued dogs to All Creatures Pet Grooming, when they are picked up from the pound.
One of the foster moms' brother saw a couple arguing at a lake by his house, and then witnessed the dog thrown into the lake, after which the people drove away. He fished him out with his pool net and gave the little pup to Little Dog Rescue. Thank goodness for caring people like this man, who knew Smudge would end up as gator bait, if left in the lake to fend for himself.
Our reader asked about the Papillon and the foster mom brought him to see her that day. It must have been love at first sight; he came home with her that very day. A bouncy, happy-go-lucky little guy, Smudge seems to have left the bad memories behind!
Do you have an adoption story to share, a photo that is special, or a unique dog activity that you'd like to tell our readers about? I'd love to hear from you. Shoot me an email at LetsAdoptaDogPark and I'll be glad to read your story.
One of the foster moms' brother saw a couple arguing at a lake by his house, and then witnessed the dog thrown into the lake, after which the people drove away. He fished him out with his pool net and gave the little pup to Little Dog Rescue. Thank goodness for caring people like this man, who knew Smudge would end up as gator bait, if left in the lake to fend for himself.
Our reader asked about the Papillon and the foster mom brought him to see her that day. It must have been love at first sight; he came home with her that very day. A bouncy, happy-go-lucky little guy, Smudge seems to have left the bad memories behind!
Do you have an adoption story to share, a photo that is special, or a unique dog activity that you'd like to tell our readers about? I'd love to hear from you. Shoot me an email at LetsAdoptaDogPark and I'll be glad to read your story.
Be sure to visit Adopt a Dog Park to learn
what you can do to help protect our precious dog parks.

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Anonymous said...
I know this wonderful lady well. She has been working at the place where we take our dogs to be groomed for years, and she is wonderful! My pups love going to see her.
She is also responsible for another wonderful rescue story. A tiny little senior Boston Terrier was turned into the shop one day. She had been abandoned by the side of the road, and the person who found her was afraid to take her to animal control because of her age (she was around 11 at the time).
I was lucky enough to become that little girl's forever mom. She wasn't with us long enough...we lost her at 13, but she was my heart dog; that once in a lifetime dog who will never be forgotten, and who leaves a huge mark on your heart and your soul. Had it not been for this fabulous lady, that special little girl would have most likely been put down as unadoptable. She is truly an angel on earth.
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Thank you so much for sharing your Boston Terrier's story. In light of these two, and many other, rescue stories I have heard, I am inspired to start a column on rescue stories. I will announce it soon. If you would like to submit your story (up to 400 words long and with a picture) I would love to tell it. Thank you so much for commenting on this post. It makes my job that much more enjoyable when I get input like this.
Anonymous said...
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