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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mutt Monday Introductions:
My Other Blog is 5 Minutes for Fido

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Welcome to Mutt Monday. Last week I announced that we'd offer pet bloggers an opportunity to share information about their other blogs here today. They needn't be pet blogs; we'd simply love to know what other topics you enjoy sharing in the blogosphere. So link up a post that shares something about your other blog, and feel free to share multiples if you're like some of my friends and are a multi-tasker. I'll go first:

My Other Blog is 
5 Minutes for Fido,
 edited by Oliver

Although Tanner is the goofy cover model for this blog that is embodies silliness, Oliver is clearly the Pack Leader. He writes most of the posts and is in charge of keeping track of Tanner's nonsense. Occasionally he lets Tanner write, but these occurrences are rare. Tanner is very obsessed by his much more important tasks like playing Fetch and swimming. 

I'm fairly certain that Oliver could use your help in getting a few listings here. Can you give us a quick RT below:

Enjoy exploring the other blogs that link up here and please do leave comments, questions and your thoughts.

Next week I'm going back to more banal topic just to make it a little easier on all of us. Let's share some archived posts on:
Boredom Busters for Dogs
This is a fun topic that will give you all some ideas for dealing with the holidays ahead when you're busy, busy, busy! See you next week!
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