courtesy m.n. Marc Serenades a Friend |
When this image was captured of my son singing to his friend's dog, I could almost hear him singing. I don't know what the tune was, but I have a pretty good idea it was warm and wonderful.
What's especially clear to me is that the dog is enjoying the concert. If not, he or she could have retreated to the adjoining rooms, leaving Marc without an audience. What a nice spectator this pup is!
Tell me about your dog. Does he enjoy being read to, listening to music, TV or conversation? If you can't answer this question about your dog, you may learn something about him if you simply watch him when in these situations. Learning more about your dog's likes and dislikes will help you bond more deeply with him, so why not do a little research for your Weekly Wag bonding activity. I'd love to hear how your dog reacts to sound, whether your own, a group's chatter, or music. The comment link is open. Howl away!

shilohsmom said...
Shiloh has a favorite song. It's a very long and slow song by Neil Diamond called "Oh Mary". Before our fire, I had a boombox and he would come and lie next to the speaker whenever the song would come on. When I played it in the car he would go to sleep. It was his lullaby. I don't have a boombox or stereo anymore, but I still play it for him in the car, although I don't know if he can hear it anymore, as he is going deaf now. Other than that one song, he hasn't shown much interest in any other music.
DawgBlogger said...
Jasmine like to be talked to. She loved singing with harmonica and howling at fire trucks (and I mean those were totally different sets of sounds). When she wasn't feeling well I played to her Through A Dog's Ear, but truly, I cannot tell whether she enjoyed it or not. She didn't run away and hide, so that's something.
She sometimes watched TV but she'd rather listen to the sounds and take in the smells outdoors. She liked to bark at people getting out of cars, of all things. (besides dogs on TV, of course)
I did tell stories or sang to her sometimes, but I don't think she really cared about that so much, except knowing that I was there with her caring about her.
She loved sentences that were questions. They always meant something good. She understood the meaning of them. The easiest way to confirm that was to ask her a new question. She clearly didn't know what that meant but was surely trying to figure that out. She also knew the names of all her vets.
Her favorite question, of course, was "Do you want to go _____ (fill in the blank with about anything)?"
GizmoGeodog said...
Gizmo ignores TV entirely, even when dogs are barking...He is attentive to anything/everything I say, even if it's on the phone he watches me with great interest...He seems to enjoy music, especially if I'm singing to him and we're dancing together (and no I will not be sharing photos of that anytime soon ;) )
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
@Gizmo--Darn it; we would love to see a video of dancing with your dog :)
SlimDoggy said...
Music is great for dogs to help calm anxiety, etc. I have a post about this coming out tomorrow about how it's helped Jack. Thanks for sharing.
Suzanne Fluhr (Just One Boomer) said...
Our dog, Dino, does not seem to enjoy my recorder playing. If I practice, he heads to another room. Other than the vacuum cleaner and thunder, that's the only sound that seems to annoy him. I try not to take it personally.
Olivia R said...
I made up a song when she was a pup. A lullaby that I sing, then humm, then sing again. It calmed her down and to this day if i sing it to her she will fall asleep. No joke...I can just start singing it for 2-3 minutes and she falls asleep.i don't know if I hypnotize or what,,but she is comforted by the Princess Olivia Song.
Anonymous said...
Cara Sullivan said...
I loved reading this!
Being an owner of a perky, human-like yellow labrador, I know exactly what music or TV can do to a dog. My family and I love country music, so since my dog was a puppy, she was exposed to it. I find her constantly watching TV with us, or laying below the dinner table when the family sits down to eat, and even listens in to conversations (and occasionally perks up when she hears certain words!). Dogs are fantastic.
Great post!
Dawn said...
I sing silly songs to my dogs all the time. Like my own version of SpongeBog SquarePants (Mr. Pierson FluffyButt) and the Soft Kitty song from Big Bang Theory (Fluffy butt, silly butt, little ball of fur). They don't seem to appreciate it. I guess that means I shouldn't try out as the next American Idol. LOL!
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