We're here today to share ways to live a little more lightly on planet Earth: Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle with your dog. Bake your own healthy, organic treats, make homemade dog toys, choose recycled or Eco-friendly products, or seek out new places to find Earth friendly things for Fido. You've found the right place.
Today I'm asking bloggers to join in with their posts to offer you any help or ideas along this line. I hope you enjoy this theme and find something useful in these articles. Next week, watch for our new theme:
Top 10 Posts of 2012
I'm pretty sure I'll have a tough time sorting through all of last year's posts, but it's a great way for me to share some of my better tips and strategies for your life with your dog. Be sure to join us for this upcoming week's great offerings.Last week I made an announcement. I'd like to help Mutt Monday become easier access for the bloggers who participate, giving more of them a chance to join in with their own posts. For this reason, Mutt Monday will now become a 24/7 event. The current week's event will open with a new theme on Monday at 12:01 AM and bloggers can link up anytime during the week.
Want to help get the word out? Here's a Tweet you can chip in on:
#MuttMonday is a 24/7 themed #BlogHop. Join us each week at http://ow.ly/igIzS for a fun, new theme.
— Carrie Boyko (@AllThingsDog) March 10, 2013
Happy Mutt Monday,

bichonpawz said...
I tweeted it out to my followers! Happy Monday!!
Unknown said...
I'm right with you on the reuse/repurpose. I do a mixture of organic bagged kibble and homemade. I also make all treats from scratch. Three Dog bakery cookbook has been a goddess-send. One of the few accessibly doggy cookboks on the market. Teaches you how to use alternative sweeteners like carob, etc. Peanut butter cookies go over really well and get my anti-bath dogs hopping into tubs of water every single time!
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