Go Super Dog Sunday™! Rah! Rah! Rah! Okay, that was pretty bad. To be honest, I was never a cheerleader, and I guess it shows. But if there's anything I know about pet bloggers and pet social media enthusiasts, it's that they love to share information about Charity Events that benefit pets. We're looking for a few good Super Dog Sunday™ cheerleaders!
What does our Cheer Team do? They give us some support in getting the word out about our charity event to help Petfinder Foundation with the work they do to help pet shelters. Cheer Team members can blog, Tweet or talk our event up on Facebook. Even Google+ and Pinterest could help us out.
Would you like to help share this message? If so, please get in touch with EventBarkers@gmail.com. We'll be sure to get you some information on our charity photo contest and offer you more details to share with your followers. Thanks for the leg up!

Cat Lady Daily said...
Very cute photo; thanks for sharing the opportunity!
lifewithbeagle said...
I'd be interested in helping, Carrie. Let me know.
Christie from lifewithbeagle.com
Dawn said...
PetFinder is the best!
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