Meet Mike Shamp, the newest addition to the All Things Dog Blog 'team'. With our ASK THE DOG TRAINER Column growing in popularity, I've decided it is time to bring on more help. Poor Judy has been buried in letters, and we're thrilled to know that you all care so much about getting help for your dogs' behavior issues.
Let me start this introduction by telling you that Mike and I met when he tested my Papillon, Oliver, for his CGC (Canine Good Citizen) certification. Fortunately for me, Oliver passed the test and Mike and I have kept in touch. Mike is a gentle soul with a calm and pleasant demeanor, much like the Aussies that started the original Bark Busters organization which he is affiliated with.
Mike's first work with dogs began in Denver where he was involved with Golden Retriever rescue and rehabilitation. A growing love for dogs of all kind eventually led him to become a Bark Buster's trainer.
Now, Mike has risen to the level of Master Dog Behavior Therapist and Trainer. That's quite a mouthful, but basically means he knows his stuff when it comes to dogs. Mike's calm and gentle approach is perfect for many puppies and dogs with behavioral issues. I was witness to one large Boxer in our CGC training group that has been rehabilitated quite well from previous significant problems, with help from Mike's program.
As a Bark Busters Home Dog Training franchisee in Central Florida, Mike has joined the world's largest dog training organization, with more than 400 offices in 10 countries. Offering lifetime support to their trainees, Bark Busters has a strong reputation. The SPCA International selected Bark Busters dog behavioral training services as the "Best of the Best" in its category.
If you are seeking a trainer in your own area, Mike suggests that you can locate a Bark Busters trainer by calling
1-877-500-BARK (2275) or visit, where dog owners can complete a Dog Behavioral Quiz to rate their dogs' behavior.
Mike's first post will appear on All Things Dog Blog soon. Be sure to watch for his debut. Have you got a question for Mike or one of our trainers? Send your question to and we'll do our best to Fetch you an answer just as quick as possible. Happy tails!
Oliver has a few thoughts on this whole business over at 5 Minutes for Fido. You'd better stop in and get his opinion. It looks like he thinks the world is about to end--silly boy!
Oliver has a few thoughts on this whole business over at 5 Minutes for Fido. You'd better stop in and get his opinion. It looks like he thinks the world is about to end--silly boy!

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