Only recently did I introduce you to Mike Shamp, a trainer that has joined our Ask the Dog Trainer staff. Today I am here to announce the addition of one more delightful dog trainer, Terry Lynn Cuyler.
Known to many as the Paws Prof because of her working nickname, Terry is a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer--Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA). That's a mouthful, huh? To explain it as easily as possible, it translates to lots of extra training. This training means you get more bang for your buck!
With a Masters degree in Education, Terry uses her interest and skill at teaching wherever they are needed. She enjoys taking part in READing Paws, offering a canine reading partner, Tchaika, to children who need a reading companion that doesn't judge. Terry is actively involved with the APDT and is a CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Evaluator for the American Kennel Club (AKC).
With dog therapy work near and dear to Terry's heart, she completed the training to become a Delta Society Evaluator, and also offers in-home training at all levels.
When I met Terry, Oliver and I had the delightful experience of running a sample "Rally" course for the first time. Rally is an AKC event that introduces dogs and their handlers to obedience performance in a less competitive, lighter atmosphere. Teamwork and enthusiasm are encouraged to make this a fun, bonding event for both handler and dog. Oliver and I thoroughly enjoyed our experience as well as Terry's coaching. I tucked her name in the back of my head, and here she is...a part of our dog training team at All Things Dog Blog.
Terry's first post will appear soon. I hope you enjoy her approach and will contact us with your questions for our ASK THE DOG TRAINER column. You can reach us at with your questions for our dog training team. Happy tails!

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