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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dogs Don't Leave Home Without It: Necessities for Summer Day Outings

by Carrie Boyko

(c) Brent Boyko
Tanner is Ready to go to the Beach
We do lots of fun things outdoors. Since we love to do things outdoors, we're going to be bringing you a series of "Dogs Don't Leave Home Without It" tips. For day outings in the summer, like when you go to the park, on a country drive, hike in the woods, a picnic or beach visit, don't leave home without:
  • Lots of cool water and a bowl for the pups. We have these cool water bottles that have a fold-out bowl, perfect for thirsty dogs. You can also get the collapsible ones and the pop up kind. Whatever works for you and your dog.
  • I give the dogs ice cubes in the car, so they don't get everything all wet when they spill the bowl. Tanner, being a Retriever, likes putting his paw in the bowl.
  • Pop up nylon crates with mesh windows are great for a safe and bug-free nap time, or if we visit a friend's house and have to leave the pups behind while I run an errand without them. It's good to have the crates to make my friends feel that their houses are safe, even though my pups don't chew on furniture. More on that later!
  • Our battery operated fans hook onto the crates and have their own stand, so we can all stay cool in the shade, when we stop for a rest. I carry 3 in the car, along with extra rechargeable batteries.
  • Spare necessities that we always carry in the car for emergencies are: leashes to replace lost or broken ones, a 1st aid kitneem oil spray to repel mosquitoes, peppermint oil spray to repel ticks, and cedar oil spray to repel fleas. Can you tell we don't like bugs or boo-boos?
  • I don't tell the dogs I have these, but I keep a stash of chew strips that are good for their teeth, hidden in the glove compartment for long car rides.
  • My AAA card and a cell phone are a necessity for getting help, just in case we have car trouble or can't hike the rest of the way. I also keep my health insurance card handy--just in case. I suppose a credit card would be a good idea, in case of an emergency.
  • Finally, although they all have microchips, they also wear a collar with name tags and phone numbers. 
I'd love to hear from  you if you have more additions for my list. Tanner has added a few things to the list over at 5 Minutes for Fido. He's quite miffed with me over a few of my apparent omissions; hope you get a good laugh when you read his column.

Soon, I'll bring you some additional 'Don't Leave Home Without It' lists: errands, out of state trips, winter outings, and more. All you folks from up north should send me your ideas for the winter outings list. I'll need major help with that one. Ideas?
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Pet Product said...

aw your dog is really ready to go to beach...those tips are great I will keep that in mind...

Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...

Thanks for visiting us. You certainly do have a good selection of pet products at your site. So much potential for a blog............

Anonymous said...

Very cool idea! Thanks for posting this.
Really its amazing information about Dog Crates
Awesome job !!! well done keep it up.

Dog Crates

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