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ASK THE DOG TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog
Stationing Asks Your Dog to
Go to a Special Spot to STAY
Dear Joan:
Thanks for reading the first in my two-part answer to your questions about Jacque. For those readers who missed it, I encourage you to catch up by reading that post at Part I, where you will find my initial advice for working on this problem.
Joan, I hope you have been walking Jacque a good deal more, and are now ready to try some new strategies:
- Provide him with alternatives: By that I mean condition him to do something different at the door. Dogs that obey the Sit, Stay, and Down commands are much easier to control than dogs without a clue what those words mean. Yelling at him, pulling on him, and putting him in another room are not going to change his behavior. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to teach him Sit, Stay, and Down (Quiet, and Leave It too), practicing several times a day, every day, when you are without visitors. Solicit the help of a professional dog trainer, or get assistance from friends, neighbors, or associates with well trained dogs.
- Attaching your dog to you with a Training Leash will help you keep him under control and off guests while he’s learning his obedience commands. As you work with him at the door, request visiting family and friends ignore him when they enter and have them walk past him, pretending he’s not there. Practice and repetition will speed up his understanding of what is expected of him. Practice without the Training Leash only after you are sure he understands that Sit means sit, and Stay means stay.
- Stationing him is another option. Ignore him if he’s boisterous; reward him with calm greetings when he has settled down. Ignoring his unwanted behavior deprives him of what he’s after--everyone’s attention. Having everyone walk out of the room, leaving him alone until he quiets, will help get your point across. Return and remain in the room with him only when he is calm. You may have to repeat this many times, but he will get the point.
- A favorite chew toy or bone will give him something to focus on. Always make sure you give him something to do while he is stationed.
For tips on using the Training Leash and Stationing, visit Total Control Dog Owner Assistance or contact me, Judith Joseph, for one-on-one training assistance with your dog.
Remember: Teach the behaviors you want and provide generous praise for his cooperation. Ignore the behaviors you don’t want, and they will go away.
Good luck,
Judith Joseph, D.O.I.
Judith Joseph, D.O.I.
ASK THE TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog
For more information on Judith Joseph and her training, you may find her at TCDOA Dog Training. A personal appointment will likely provide more specific information on your dog's issues and your questions.
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Dog Signs said...
Thanks for placing some tips on this site. It would be of big help, cause i had terrible time training my dogie to stay put. He is one hard headed dog, glad that his still young maybe its not too late for me to try some of your tips.
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Hello 'dog signs'. It's good to see you again. If you'd like help with some particular behaviors, write to us and we'll be happy to give you some personalized attention, as well as some links to posts that may be helpful. Hope to hear from you again.
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