Perhaps some time off will provide needed inspiration for how to build in some site improvements that I've been pondering for a while. Meanwhile, you can check out All Things Dog Blog on its very own Facebook site, where I'm sure I'll be adding little blips of what's going on while I take a much needed respite. If you prefer Twitter, you can catch me at Twitter.com/Learnin2Bgreen.
When will I resume posting? Soon! Your best strategy for not missing anything is to subscribe in the upper right corner of the blog. It's free, and you'll receive only a confirmation email for now. Once you confirm, you'll receive my posts via email when I begin posting again.
Finally, during my vacation, you can catch up on your reading by visiting my archives in the sidebar. You can go all the way back to post #1 and check out anything you may have missed along the way. I hope you get a chance to enjoy this catch up time too. See ya soon!
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