Pet bloggers from all over gather each quarter to share their causes at an event called Blog the Change for Animals. It's pretty obvious what we do, right? At this blog hop event, each blogger writes and links up a post sharing his or her latest animal challenge, worry, or charitable event. It's a chance to build awareness for the concerns we have for animals, as well as an opportunity to learn about others. It seems there is an unlimited number of topics worthy of concern for animal welfare. No doubt this is because only humans can speak up on behalf of animals that are powerless to solve their own problems.

A worthwhile read, you may enjoy this quarter's event found at the Blog the Change for Animals Blog Hop here. Click on any topic that interests you to read another blogger's cause. You never know; you may find your own new passion in their words.
Here at Fido's Freebie Friday, bloggers are invited to list below their individual posts separately for all currently open giveaways. Fido's Freebie Friday opens each Thursday afternoon for linkups at 4:00 PM ET, and renews each week at the same time with a new listing. Link up anytime during the week. We make it easy to be seen here by keeping our rules simple:
•You have up to 45 characters to describe your prize and include an expiration date.
•Fido's Freebie Friday Blog Hop is open to posts with prizes for pet products or services, including pet-related or pet-themed items for owners. Use your specific post url to link up.
•Please include our badge (the code is in the sidebar) or a link to this post in your giveaway write up, and ask your readers to tell us you sent them.
You'll find assistance at our HELP PAGE, where there is other useful information for bloggers doing giveaways and reviews. Your hosts are All Things Dog Blog, Doggies and Stuff, and Dogtipper.

GeelongVet said...
This is great!. Thanks for sharing this..This must be fun! :)
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