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Oliver and I have truly enjoyed getting into a routine of using the Doodie Pack for walks and outings where Oliver could be greeted by strangers. Now I don't have as many of those funny looks that people often give me. You know the one where they are wondering if my little pupster is a nipster!
My new friend Kristin at Doodie Pack is offering two free packs, custom-sized and embroidered with your dog's name or nickname.
Today the giveaway begins. You'll find the entry form at the bottom of this post. Well, to be honest, sometimes it hides. If so, just click on the post title and it will sneak back out down at the bottom. Have fun entering, and remember to do the first entry FIRST. This is important to Kristin to see what ideas you have.
Learn more about Doodie Pack here:
Doodie Pack's Website
Doodie Pack on Facebook
Doodie Pack on Twitter

Danielle Murgia said...
I would put Sissy's name on hers. I might also put "Please do not pet me on my head". She was abused and does not tolerate any stranger petting her on her head because she was hit on the head with a wooden spoon.
Oskar said...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nubbin wiggles,
Julie said...
I would put 'My name is Dumpling and I love to play'
DebbyM said...
I might put....My name is Monet...and I love my Grammy.
Kelley Denz said...
I would love to have one with my business name on it.
mine would have to say..
BLUE (Chacho)
A good boy with a lot of bark!
Unknown said...
I have 3 dogs so "The 3 Amigos" would be neat.
Cheryl Chervitz said...
Maybe ones that say Mom and Dad of; Grandparent of, and maybe a pic of the dog with its name
Linda Szymoniak said...
My rescue's name and logo - Hearts and Hounds Rescue
PACOs HOPE said...
oh what to put on Pacos??? hes friendly but scared of LOUD people.. hmmmmm Ur kid is so cute
Christine - The Animal Sitter said...
I would like one with my business name/logo and or "I'm in training." so if your dog is doing something weird or you are people will know.
Lisa F. said...
Breed and breed group name.
Misty said...
"Will open pack for fresh treats!"
Rick said...
"Somebody has to work around here!"
Nancy said...
Search & Rescue - or other special training or awards.
Anonymous said...
Those are amazing! Some folks are really blessed with talent!
Dog Lead
Alex said...
Happy thanksgiving to you all guys
Chris said...
Oh, that's a great giveaway. I'd like a one like that for my pooch. Too bad I don't live in US.
Rhonda Tenderholt said...
I'm not sure what it would say on my old dogs, if he'd wear it. "Skittish, please don't touch."
Brittany said...
Have their favorite food/treat embroidered on it! (Example: I love Beggin' Strips)
J.C. Fuller said...
This is the cutest thing...would love to win it!
mrshill0611 said...
I would have to put his name on it
KateV said...
I think it would be a good idea to put "warnings" on about the dog. Cheyenne's might say "Please down crowd me, I get scared", while Shiloh's may say "I may bark, but I don't bite!" or "I'm very friendly but a jumper!" Kinda like the yellow ribbon "movement", but more direct...
Unknown said...
Mine would probably say Medical Alert Service Dog.
Or maybe get one with my blog name to wear at conferences!
Nicolette B said...
I would put my phone number on it so it could act a backup tag in case my dog got loose.
lmurley2000 said...
seasonal sayings,
jeanette sheets said...
i would put their names on it with spoiled rotten
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