(c) All Things Dog Blog Go Away BUGS! |
Entries will be accepted through Tuesday, October 16. The winners will be announced in the evening on Tuesday, October 30. Good Luck!

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Heather said...
I use topical commercial product to repel bugs on them.
bichonpawz said...
I know that the vets recommend Advantix and others like that; however, I just don't feel comfortable putting harsh chemicals on the girls all the time. I use a natural product called RediCare which works on humans as well.
Danielle Murgia said...
I use advantix. It is the only thing that seems to work. I'd love to try these tags though.
How Sam Sees It said...
Aw shoot - I can't enter it here at work. The site is blocked! :/
Ellen Ross | Ask Away Blog said...
i keep them by my side at al times so i can make sure those buggers dont get on them!
Sage said...
What a great idea!
lennyg said...
Try to keep property less inviting for skeeters. Plus we have bats nearby
CRichman said...
we have citronella candles on our deck
evie said...
i use all natural dog bug spray....citronetta, lemonbalm, etc. and use spirit essence para outta sight drops....2/day.
Misty said...
Citronella Oil
KateV said...
The dogs obviously have heartworm prevention meds, and we use topical flea/tick/mosquito treatment, though I'm not sure how much it helps with the latter. We also spread some kind of natural, dog-safe repellent around the perimeter of the yard that helps some. Unfortunately, there are several periods of time where nothing helps, the mosquitoes are just too bad, and my poor dogs just have to spend most of their time inside. This tag would be great to try!
Rick said...
A drop of citronella oil on their collars.
Nancy said...
We've had a lot of luck for mosquitoes and ticks with citronella oil.
Dawn said...
We've never used a mosquito repellent on our dogs before, mostly because I don't want to spray anything on my dogs. It never occurred to me to put a drop of citronella oil on their collars. This tag also sounds like a great idea.
The dogs are mostly indoors away from most mosquitoes and I give them HeartGard to prevent the heartworm larvae that mosquitoes carry.
larrielle said...
Although Bentley takes Trivexis, I don't believe it prevents mosquito bites.
Cheryl Chervitz said...
I don't like to put anything on my dog, but I will use candles and they are inside dogs, so when out I am out with them to watch.
ShempGames said...
I need to do more. Our new house has lots of mosquitoes.
Kittie Kat E said...
we use a topical and stay away from lakes, ponds, etc (she hates water anyway)
Stylista Fitness said...
I don't do anything but would like to find something that works :)
Lisa F. said...
I really don't do anything to prevent them, but I do bring the dogs in if they are outside at dusk during the summer. That's when I get bitten up, so I figure they might, too.
Katie said...
I keep them inside as much as possible and give them heart guard just to be on the safe side, I would love a tag for Molly, my baby that loves the out doors
jackiekatie1105 said...
I shoo them away
lilyk said...
citronella oil
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