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© Carrie Boyko At Home and Away: No More Excuses! |

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Anonymous said...
we need to clean up after our dogs so that we dont ruin it for other dog owners that are responsible. people always assume that ppl wont pick up after their dogs at the dog park, etc.. we need to prove them wrong!
ellen ross
lennyg said...
Need this! would rather recycle plastic newspaper bags!
K-Koira said...
Thats a pretty awesome giveaway, for sure. Poop bags are way more expensive than seems reasonable, especially most of the biodegradable ones!
HoundDogMom said...
We have a good one for you. We have to keep our dog poop cleaned up every day, every hour so our youngest basset doesn't eat it. Yuck Yuck. We love this give away and we could use it when we go camping as well.
Christina said...
The reason to clean up after your dog is simple, its gross if you don't! lol no one wants to go on a walk around a poop covered neighborhood
Cynthia Downer said...
We need to clean up poop so we can run and play in the backyard with the dogs without having to worry about stepping on it! crzycoookies@yahoo.com
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...
no one wants to step in it or smell old dog poop laying around! Plus it attracts flies!
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...
ooops, that was me above...email is cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...
Tried liking flush puppies on facebook and this is the message I got "Could not retrieve id for the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in."
crichmanfreebies said...
This would be great! I take my chihuahua with me everywhere!!
Anonymous said...
Clean Up After Your Dog it is the right thing to do!! Would like to have a dog come in your yard to poop?? If not do leave your dogs poop in my yard..pick it up.
Sharon Gilbert - sjgilbert@aol.com
katie mitchell said...
I would love to win, I especially need the petmate clean response now that I have 2 dogs and the neighbors dog keeps going in my yard and is not responsible
People need to clean it up so nobody steps in it
Anna Galanos said...
We should clean up after our dogs because it's the right thing to do. What goes around, comes around. If you don't want to step in anything at the most inconvenient time in the future, please pick up after your pets. It's common courtesy and they are, after all, your dogs.
nzrd said...
Cleaning up after our dogs keeps our dogs clean and healthy as well as the other dogs around them.
Ashley Clark said...
You don't like to step in it... neither do I. Pick It Up
shilohsmom said...
Besides the obvious health reasons, we should do it to keep other people and dogs from stepping in it, to keep it from stinking, and because it's the right thing to do.
Unknown said...
Just yesterday at a Dog festival mom stepped in poop and didn't know until we got home, hope it didn't get in the car. And this was at a park that provides free poopy bags! If people don't pick up, we will lose more places dogs are allowed.
madpay said...
an important pet owner responsibility is to clean up after their pets
LaurKnotter said...
Everyone should clean up after there dog to reduce pollution.
Mandy said...
If we don't clean up after our pets, it gives the non dog lovers reasons to ban pets/dogs from public places. It's the responsible thing to do.
Linda Kish said...
Our shoes will love you if you pick up after your dog.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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