by Carrie Boyko, CEB
(c) Carrie Boyko Inspirational Travel |
There's nothing like a great networking conference to bring new life to a blog. In the coming weeks, you'll find many positive changes. This morning I'm pleased to announce the removal of captchas as well as the disappearance of comment moderation in current posts. What does that mean for you? Faster commenting and the ability to see your actual comment when published.
While I know you will all be eager to say goodbye to that annoying word verification, I should be clear that this will remain disabled as long as comments continue to be respectful. Disagreement with the material is most certainly acceptable when presented in with a hint of the Golden Rule. If you've read my blog much, you probably know this is a value I place high priority on. My father set the stage in teaching me that I should always look for and focus on the positive in everyone and respect their right to live and let live.
So, let the comments roll, just keep in mind that my team and my other readers will enjoy the banter more when you remain considerate in your offers of divergent views. We look forward to hearing more from you with this change. Happy tails!

Anonymous said...
That's great news! I hope folks stay respectful. Captcha is a PITA when you're on mobile. I removed it from my blogs as well.
Pup Fan said...
Very cool - I'm thinking of implementing some changes to my blog as well based on all that we learned. Was great to meet you this weekend!
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...
I would love to remove the captchas and get rid of comment moderation but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. I began my blog without it and was forced to have to delete rude and abusive comments that continuously found their way to my page. The comments were abusive to cats and there is no way I will tolerate that. I don't mind the extra split seconds it takes to type a captcha on someone elses blog, if people have an issue with them being on know what I have to say about that....see ya! If they can't understand then i am sorry, I don't need them.
Kolchak Puggle said...
WOO HOO! Good-bye CAPATCHA! I hate that word verification stuff, not because I mind typing in a word, but because 99.9% of the time, I forget you (or any other blog) even HAS capatcha and I click back to google reader and lose my comment. Half the time, I don't even realize I've done it! So I come, read and then leave thinking I've commented and I haven't. totally my fault? Yup, but I'm still glad to see CAPATCHA go!
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