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(c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2010
Tanner Models His Bandage
Earlier this year, Tanner had a couple of wounds that required some creative measures to keep them clean, while still allowing air to help them heal. When he injured his neck with too much vigorous scratching, I crafted a bandanna bandage to cover the area. It actually worked really well to keep him from further injuring the spot.
(c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko
The Rear View
Now it is Oliver's turn. I caught him pestering a belly button itch too many times yesterday. When I finally turned him over to check it out, I discovered a very red, bare spot, with an apparent bug bite in the middle. His scratching had irritated it until he couldn't leave it alone.
(c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko
Belly Band in Place
While I was out of town visiting my mom, I was unable to pop over to the vet, so I took evasive measures. Oliver now sports a bandanna belly-band. It looks sort of like a belt, covering the area to protect it from his scratching.
Before putting on the 'belt', I applied some anti-itch and anti-bacterial ointment, and it seems to be doing the trick. His efforts to scratch have abated, and he is napping peacefully. Much better than an e-collar, don't you think?
(c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko
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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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ringworm dogs said...
I think I can also do the bandage thing all by my self with out visiting the vet. This will apparently lessen the expenses.
This blog is so encouraging.
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