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This is BIG news for dog lovers. Up until now, Cesar Millan's show, The Dog Whisperer, has been available only to cable viewers and those of us willing to shell out the kibble worth a set of DVDs. Yes, I'll admit, I own them all, or all that are currently available. That's mostly because I don't get cable that provides the Dog Whisperer show to me.
My kids say we're cheap, but the truth is we watch little TV. Better to live our lives than to watch others live their fake ones. Did I say "Get a Life?" Absolutely not. It's your decision.
Getting back to Cesar. He's launching a new magazine as of this month. Have you seen it at the news stand yet? I can't wait. I'm hopeful to catch a few tidbits on topics that always seem to elude me. His insight is amazing and invaluable to those of us willing to give it a chance.
No, his techniques don't work for everyone. You must make a concerted and consistent effort to be a pack leader 24/7. That means you're always in charge and you let your dog make zero decisions for himself. This is clearly not doable for everyone. I get it.
But if you're open minded to absorbing what you can, this may be your ticket. Order your bi-monthly (that's every 2 months) subscription from this Cesars Way
Amazon link to the Dog Whisperer Magazine and you're off to the dog training 101. You can do it right here, right now and be done with it.
Opinions? Thoughts? Comments? Rants? Raves? Hit that link at the bottom of the post and sound off!
One last thing. Don't forget to join me for the big introduction on Friday. Our new staff veterinarian, Dr. Jacki, will be introduced, with her first post to be coming soon thereafter. We're very proud to have this new addition and hope to see you here to learn more. For now, be thinking of questions you'd like to ask, and email them to us at LetsAdoptaDogPark@gmail.com .
One last thing. Don't forget to join me for the big introduction on Friday. Our new staff veterinarian, Dr. Jacki, will be introduced, with her first post to be coming soon thereafter. We're very proud to have this new addition and hope to see you here to learn more. For now, be thinking of questions you'd like to ask, and email them to us at LetsAdoptaDogPark@gmail.com .

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